04-Apr-2013, 11:42 PM
Quote:Okay so, after playing level 74 (josh is my bbygurl), I've found it is unsolvable in MS, which I don't think it was intended to be (knowing this set it could have been intentional though). You need to clone 3 teeth and put them in various spots, however this 3rd tooth monster you need won't clone. I don't know why, but that's just the way it goes. It would be nice to have it fixed because, in all honesty, this is a great level that I'd vote for in a CCLP
Actually it is solvable in MS. I just played it and I managed to get all 3 teeth cloned. I looked in the editor and noticed that the last monster in the monster order is a fireball at the start, which has to be facing west for all 3 to be cloned successfully. It seems you had a bit of bad luck doing so

I love how that level is dedicated to me though