September 2012 Create Competition
September 2012 Create Competition: The Setup

As summer is over for most of us, what better time to take part in a new create competition?

The task, should you accept it, is to create a new level with a puzzle that has two phases
. In the first phase, you are to set up something that then affects what happens in the next phase. The second phase then relies on what happened earlier, but with the key difference that whatever was set up earlier can't be changed any longer. Thus the level must contain decisions or elements in the first phase that may not be altered in the second.

So as a basic example, Chip might carve out a path in dirt, and then leave the area through a popup wall to press a trap button, which releases a monster that then travels along the cleared path and helps Chip in some way. The clearest example of such a level from CCLP3 is possibly Fireball Tourism.

Additional notes:

-the distinction between phases must be clear.

-there may be more than one phase, or groups of phases.

-the time limit may be at most 400.

-your best solution should be less than four minutes long.

-the level must be solvable.

-the level does not need to work in both ms and lynx.

-the level must be new; it must not have been released earlier.

-ask about other unclear situations.

Extra credit: if the puzzle is really good!

A good puzzle does not have a trivial solution, though it may have more than precisely one solution. It's goal is easy to grasp, yet it is interesting to solve. It is elegant and simple in design, and thus not too complex and convoluted. It is original and creative, though it may explore a previously known concept. Making an ideal puzzle is almost impossible, but keeping it straightforward and fun will go a long way.

Submissions are open as long as it is September where you live! Submissions will be judged in the beginning of October 2012. You may enter more than once, though similar entries may be disregarded. Points will be deducted from late entries, but will be accepted until a notice is posted in this thread. This competition is part of the Chip Cup 2012 (see other thread for more details).

In addition to the normal prizes (like the forum award), the winner (and possibly another randomly chosen entrant) will recieve a SURPRISE REWARD
which will be announced later!

Email and attach your submissions to valeosote at hotmail dot com

List your username and this competition in the subject. Keep it short and simple, something like: "September Create - Lessinath"

Everyone is welcome to join!
Now this is interesting! Let's see what I can come up with! Slight smile
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1
JCCLP1 / JCCLP2 / JCCLP3 / JoshL0 / Joshie (available only on Discord!)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
*taps fingers together and grins menacingly*

This gives me an idea.
Quote:You tested your own land mine. It worked!
Hmm, I think I'll participate. Slight smile
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
Well, I'm done my level. I like this idea Tongue
<p>Proud owner of absolutely no untied bolds.
Well, I'm in (under pressure from Miika)
The first entry has been submitted
! So it's time to announce the prizes!

First place will receive an exclusive preview level from a set I'm making! It's a level that fits this month's theme, and there's no telling how many years it will be before it is officially released for others.

Additionally, a randomly chosen entrant will be allowed to name our dog! Our dog does not have a name yet, so someone will be able to use any method they choose to pick one.

Remember that all entrants will get points for the Chip Cup
as well. And the winner will qualify for the [Image: winner.png] "You're Winner!
" award icon, and those who enter this competition for the first time will get the [Image: workingwithhammers.png] "Hammercraft
" award icon. All the entries will be released in a combined set, so your creation will also be potentially played by millions of people worldwide! The fame and glory at stake here is astronomical!

Having said that, you'll miss out if you don't make a level! A month can go by surprisingly quickly, so get to work and submit early rather than later. There will most likely also be a new type of way to choose the winner that involves the community, and it's not just everyone voting on all the levels. Stay tuned for more updates!
The month is drawing to a close! Get your entries in ASAP!
I'm still waiting for entries from some of you that already admitted to having an idea for this. (If you've sent me something and I haven't replied to you, then I haven't gotten it.) I want to see those ideas fleshed out!

I will allow for entries to be submitted until I have the time to judge them some time this coming week. This means you still have time to start from scratch, spend a reasonable time (like an hour) on building a level and send it to me and still score some Chip Cup
points! And have a shot at naming our dog! If you are stuck for an idea, pick one of these:

-only use a 15x15 area with dirt and bombs, then send gliders or fireballs to in to destroy the right bombs.

-a room with yellow keys and red keys. First you need to avoid the red keys, then go into a room where you can get rid of some of them but can't have a yellow key, and then you return to the room and need to get all the red keys without touching the yellow ones. Add other elements for flare.

-a room with bombs and traps. Guide teeth (or other stuff) into the bombs, but not the traps. Then open the traps and send tanks down each column to check that all the bombs are gone. (Other obstacles there can make it quite complex so keep it simple to avoid busts.)

-A room where you can clone as many blocks as you want, and store them somewhere. Then press a button, after which you can't get any more blocks, but you'll need to use them for something. If you don't have enough, you can't finish the level. Works off course with monsters too!

-A room with trap buttons and blocks. Choose which buttons you want to activate with the blocks. Then in the next room you have traps in the same arrangement, but obviously not all are open.
Have you opened the right traps to make this room solvable?

(Like only having ice, traps, and some water in the second room, with skates and block cloners available, would create something I haven't encountered; so you'd have blocks bouncing around on the ice, and when the come on a trap, they only stop if it's not open, and you need to direct them into water.)

-A pop-up wall maze with toggle walls and tanks, but you have to press the buttons before entering the maze. Multiple phases in this one should work too (meaning you can return to press the buttons at some point). Can you get your head around which walls to use when?

-A crazy room with lots of monsters. The more chips or items you pick up here, the easier the level will be later. Or just the longer you stay in this room could make the difference.

-An area with teleports and some water. At first you have flippers and can bring in blocks to fill the water, but can't pick up any chips. Then you lose the flippers and the teleports are turned off as well, before you can get to the chips. (Use toggle walls or tanks to block the teleports while allowing access to the chips, but they can be activated only once.) Have you filled in enough water to reach all the chips?

This is your last warning
and reminder! Slight smile
Oh well, I'm really busy with my school stuffs. I just got home from my 3 days camping. It was killing me tiring, but worth it.

Sorry to not to be able to join in the competition. I got myself a good level concept for this competition, too bad it couldn't be finished this September...

Teeth  Teeth  Teeth  
Teeth  Chip Win  Teeth  
Teeth   Teeth  Teeth
Quote:The month is drawing to a close! Get your entries in ASAP!
Wait, isn't it September 31st today ... ... Aaargh!

Quote:I will allow for entries to be submitted until I have the time to judge them some time this coming week.
Ooh, thank you! I just need to complete the walker and blob rooms in my level and then it should be in...

- Madhav.

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