This or That
Run-a-Muck 3 times; I'd quickly kill myself 3 times in succession and then be done with it. (Hey, you never said we had to complete said levels...)

Blocks with bombs under them or doors with traps under them?
Quote:In Jr. High School, I would take a gummi bear, squeeze its ears into points so it looked like Yoda, and then I would say to it "Eat you, I will!". And of course then I would it eat.
Blocks with bombs, because I hate such unrealistic invalid tile combos.

No Internet for 3 days or no computer for 1 day?
No computer for 1 day (given that 98% of my computer activity is Internet-related)

Random forcefloors or blind teleports?
Quote:In Jr. High School, I would take a gummi bear, squeeze its ears into points so it looked like Yoda, and then I would say to it "Eat you, I will!". And of course then I would it eat.
Random force floors. Blind teleports can be dirty to an extent.

Quote:Blocks with bombs, because I hate such unrealistic invalid tile combos.

(cue my Block Away! rage here) LOL

Lucky Timing or constant Guesswork? Surprised no one asked this one...
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1 / JoshL8(?)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
Constant guesswork (you can use the editor to mitigate this factor, if you care to do so)

Fake blue walls or redundant chips?

(I was trying to think of the most useless tiles available to us and got stuck after item #1...)
Quote:In Jr. High School, I would take a gummi bear, squeeze its ears into points so it looked like Yoda, and then I would say to it "Eat you, I will!". And of course then I would it eat.
Redundant chips, because it gives one the success of picking up chips, which is what the challenge is mostly about. Random fake blue walls = Yuck, unless arbitrarity is the point.

Random nonsense level titles, or level titles that totally make sense such as "Annoying Wall"?
Random arbitrary titles.

To be blind or deaf?
Hello'v'ryone's'is' rockdet Ænigma Mælström (any word with æ because it's funny), master of non sequitur buckets!
My YouTube Channel
Rock-Alpha(It's a great game, Bill) 65 levels, including "Voices" and the world-infamous famous "Bloblake"!
Rock-Beta (You should try it, Bill) 50 levels, including "Unicorn Rabbit" and "The Sedna Suite" odyssey!
Rock-Gamma (Woah, really, Bill?!) 40 levels, including "Uncle duo ha ha ha ha ha" and many other surprises and what the actual f*** moments!
Teeth "We are after all in the future, where the past is king and the paste is ming." -raocow
I would rather go deaf. I hate listening to people I don't know talk Tongue

Have a slow speed computer or a computer with a bunch of viruses and crap on it?
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1 / JoshL8(?)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
Reply there really a difference? I guess I'll go with the slow speed computer: you can always upgrade, and you don't need to worry about someone stealing your identity or corrupting your data or crap like that (at least within the boundaries of this hypothetical This/That)

Have someone say that one of your CC levels is crap or have a professor say that one of your term papers is crap?
Quote:In Jr. High School, I would take a gummi bear, squeeze its ears into points so it looked like Yoda, and then I would say to it "Eat you, I will!". And of course then I would it eat.
my level is crap Bill

Waterslide or Joyride?
Hello'v'ryone's'is' rockdet Ænigma Mælström (any word with æ because it's funny), master of non sequitur buckets!
My YouTube Channel
Rock-Alpha(It's a great game, Bill) 65 levels, including "Voices" and the world-infamous famous "Bloblake"!
Rock-Beta (You should try it, Bill) 50 levels, including "Unicorn Rabbit" and "The Sedna Suite" odyssey!
Rock-Gamma (Woah, really, Bill?!) 40 levels, including "Uncle duo ha ha ha ha ha" and many other surprises and what the actual f*** moments!
Teeth "We are after all in the future, where the past is king and the paste is ming." -raocow

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