I'm not sure if it's intended or anything, but right now I can't access the chat.
I also think it'd be a great idea to make another subforum called "Graveyard", "Bummer" or something like that for closed topics to be moved over there.
Hello everyone, this is rockdet (or all contracted if you prefer).
This be my very first levelset in its final form. That's right, we're talking about RockG1.dat, renamed for the sake of its designer tastes who wanted to have another form of numerotation. Anyways, 65 levels, it can be played in both rulesets, and you can also find it on the Yahoo page under the same title.
WARNING: It does contain Bloblake, so I'm not responsible for broken keyboards, computer screens and other such devices used to play this set.
Most recent update includes: Fix for Dual, Lynx fixes for Hockey Game, Kleinesque, The Ksi Factor and Whirl Blast
I've added a TWS files section on the CC Zone download database. Hopefully it's all working, but if you want somewhere to upload your proof of achieving something, it's now possible and can also be used for trying to gain awards. I won't be using AVI recording uploads, at least not yet.
This is rockdet's challenge for an award if you can provide proof of completion, as offered by AdrenalinDragon. This is an horrible yet very famous level created as a joke, to protest against the concept of lucky timings. Good luck!
I couldn't help but notice this when viewing the members list - what determines a person's "reputation"? Is it "likes" on posts and such, or something else?
So guys, everyone has their own opinions, so what is the worst movie you have ever seen? One of the worst I saw this year was 2012, that disaster movie where the world ends in 2012 and it has the most ridiculous action scenes ever. It even had a live Giraffe hanging out of a helicopter in freezing temperatures! Yeah, that's how you save an animal species, indeed! Your thoughts?