Skype quotes
[6:56:09 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: "Video: Five people shot in Troy early Sunday morning (updated)"

[6:56:10 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: F***
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
[11:31:27 PM] James Anderson: inb4 i got keylogged from visiting that list

[11:31:34 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: totes

[11:31:47 PM] James Anderson: I KNEW IT

[11:31:48 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: u just got uberhaxed!

[11:31:57 PM] James Anderson: not just haxed but uberhaxed

[11:32:00 PM] James Anderson: i'm impressed Thumbs up

[11:32:05 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: thanks Slight smile

[11:32:07 PM] James Anderson: well *done* sir

[11:32:21 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: *asterisks*

[11:32:28 PM] James Anderson: "air quotes"

[11:32:35 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: "water quotes"

[11:32:37 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: "fire quotes"

[11:32:39 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: "earth quotes"

[11:32:51 PM] James Anderson: die
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.
[11:34:30 PM] Josh "Dumas" Hixson: Imagine if teeth giggled when you brushed them because they're ticklish

[11:34:35 PM] Josh "Dumas" Hixson: This whole website is on drugs.

[11:34:40 PM] Josh "Dumas" Hixson: that comment

[11:34:51 PM] Josh "Dumas" Hixson: i should make a tumblr
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
[9:49:20 PM] Josh "Dumas" Hixson: omg these F***ING POSTS

[9:49:27 PM] Josh "Dumas" Hixson: ARE MAKING ME CRY OF STUPIDITY

[9:49:46 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: what if soda cans are alive

[9:49:49 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: and when you open one

[9:49:52 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: you're cracking its neck

[9:49:56 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: and then drinking its blood

[9:49:57 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: in front of its family
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1
JCCLP1 / JCCLP2 / JCCLP3 / JoshL0 / Joshie (available only on Discord!)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
[5:50:35 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: I should sample Trevor's life
[5:54:04 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: k
[5:54:22 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: "Trittany is NOT hot!"
[5:54:25 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: *dumb music*
[5:54:27 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: done
[5:54:36 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: um
[5:54:41 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: my music is not dumb!
[5:54:43 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: it's retarded!
[5:54:44 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: um
[5:54:50 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: "Trittany is NOT hot!"
[5:54:53 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: *retarded music*
[5:54:55 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: done
[5:54:57 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: thanks (heart)

*waits for trevor to respond*
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
[7:25:39 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: dot - because f*** you

[7:25:52 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: the goal

[7:25:59 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: create a social network that bans any user that attempts to make an account
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.
[Thursday, May 1, 2014 11:20 PM] J.B. Lewis: I'm going to punch stuff
CCMiniLP, my CCLP1 submissions. Outdated, not recommended.
CCSignificantlyLargerLP, my CCLP4 submissions. More current than my main set.
Consistent Inconsistency (ongoing), my main CC1 custom set. (discussion)
RyanJ1.dat (ongoing), my main CC2 custom set. (discussion)
Mystery Project (unfinished) (previews)

YouTube | Twitch | Steam
[6:16:15 PM] Josh "Dumas" Hixson: because this town i live in has nothing but gas stations and liquor stores

[6:16:18 PM] Josh "Dumas" Hixson: thanks acampo
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1
JCCLP1 / JCCLP2 / JCCLP3 / JoshL0 / Joshie (available only on Discord!)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
[5:32:59 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: Wink

[5:33:47 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: Wink

[5:34:05 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: Wink

[5:35:19 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: Wink cloner starting

[5:35:20 PM | Removed 5:36:46 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: This message has been removed.

[5:35:34 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: f**k it broke

[5:35:40 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: phale

[5:35:44 PM] Zane "Dumas" Kuecks: k fixed

[5:35:52 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: Slight smile

[5:35:54 PM] Trevor Hedges: nice edit

[5:36:00 PM] Trevor Hedges: nice edit

[5:36:02 PM] Trevor Hedges: nice edit

[5:36:07 PM] Trevor Hedges: nice edit

[5:36:11 PM] Trevor Hedges: nice edit

[5:36:13 PM] Trevor Hedges: nice edit

[5:36:16 PM] Trevor Hedges: nice edit

[5:36:20 PM] Trevor Hedges: nice edit

[5:36:23 PM] Trevor Hedges: nice edit

[5:36:26 PM] Trevor Hedges: nice edit

[5:36:37 PM] Trevor Hedges: nice edit

[5:36:43 PM] Trevor Hedges: nice edit

[5:36:46 PM] Trevor Hedges: nice edit

[5:36:48 PM] Trevor Hedges: nice edit

[5:36:51 PM] Trevor Hedges: nice removal
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
[8:47:08 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: um well

[8:47:10 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: step one

[8:47:22 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: grab some toilet paper yo

[8:47:24 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: step two

[8:47:29 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: STICK THAT S*** IN YOUR A**!

[8:47:31 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: step three

[8:47:36 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: wipe, f*****, wipe!

[8:47:43 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: step four

[8:47:48 PM] Josh "Dumas" Hixson: [8:47 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag:


[8:47:49 PM] Josh "Dumas" Hixson: saved

[8:47:52 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: put that s*** in the toilet, you don't need it anymore!

[8:47:56 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: step five

[8:48:04 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: once all your s*** is gone, flush that s***!

[8:48:07 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: step six

[8:48:16 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: wash your g****** hands, they're dirty as f***!

[8:48:21 PM] Tyler "Dumas" Sontag: and you're done!

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