28-Nov-2013, 6:38 AM
Great pack!
#5 (Pestilence II) - Any solutions are too forced. There isn't enough breathing room.
#12 (Buying Time) - Fantastic level. A simple collecting challenge with a twist that amps up the excitement. Might be even more interesting if the room order wasn't quite as fixed (maybe getting to the toggle button earlier would be possible, but at some other cost in time), making it more interesting to calculate if the it is worth the time to press that button and if so, when to do it. Maybe that's a concept to explore in a derivative level, and no need to change this one.
#15 (Grey Connection) - This felt surprisingly fresh.
I even got lost and didn't know where the last chip was.
#17 (Pennsie Pinkies) - I had fun playing this. Will have trouble evaluating its suitability for CCLP1. My main concern is with the size of the level, as it could be just a bit smaller and still be just as fun.
#19 (Palm Islands, Dubai) - First, if something like this makes it in to the set, I'd like the name to be simpler, as in just "Palm Islands". Same goes for that hint. The trick at the exit, to not pick up the skates before getting the last blue key is a bit mean (maybe that should be the thing mentioned in the hint). I love how the level looks though and it plays well. A socket by an exit would be nice too, if all the Chips are supposed to be taken. Why are there two exits, one of which can't be reached in lynx? Maybe my favorite level from Thinker, and I hope this one could find a place in CCLP1.
#23 (Trap Master) - The hint says to take the last room more cautiously. Why does anyone make a level that they know has an issue towards the end of playing it through??? Just switch the concepts around a bit, thank you. Why can't I just pick the order I visit the rooms, for example? Maneuvering so many blocks takes a lot of effort too, so I for one wouldn't mind if the rooms already had some blocks to use and extras could be cloned in the hallway. I'm sure there would also be a way to build the level in such a way that I wouldn't have to traverse these long corridors so much. Overall, I appreciate the attempt at using this concept of not allowing buttons to be pressed, but would like the level more if the designer started from scratch and focused on making it all simpler somehow.
#27 (Random Addendum) - I could live with this one.
#28 (Blockness Monster) - Some nice ideas here. It does fall into the trap of having too many blocks to push around, making it too long for my taste. I did solve it with 15 seconds left on my first attempt
(Well, the first attempt after my first few failed attempts, but those don't count as I didn't even get to the flippers.)
#30 (Colorblind Dog) - I just love this level. I mean I'll probably hate optimizing it, but it's a very enjoyable creation. It would fit perfectly as level #99.
#33 (Stupendous Steel) - One of the more interesting tutorial level, at least from its original set. The name sounds like some sort of superhero reference.
#34 (Eleventh Hour) - Time limit is strict, but I guess the designer knew this considering the name of the level. However, I'm not sure many would enjoy this sort of level being the one with a strict time limit. I like the bomb exploding part (as you can go back and make sure you counted right, but can't see exactly from where you are pressing the button). The keys at the end seem odd, as it's practically the same as just entering the exit. A fine level otherwise.
#37 (Peek-A-Boo) - Something needs to be done about the last three traps leading to the exit. Having them at (25,18), (24,19),(23,20) should work. Not sure if I'd rather see this in the second half of CCLP1 or in the first half of CCLP4.
#38 (Descending Ceiling) - Lovely concept. Are the two chips at (14,25-26) meant as the means to reach the exits? This can also be done from (21,27). I guess not, but just wondering.
#41 (Abrupt) - Would be so much better with gravel at (5-7,19) and just one blob. We're told that we should vote as if some of these issues will be addressed, but what about issues that are a matter of taste?
#43 (Gridlock) - I enjoy this sort of levels, but don't think they should make it into a CCLP.
#44 (Mind Your Manners) - Wow, what a great level! I wonder who made it?
#46 (The Longest Track) - So yeah, even in its current form it is busted with the use of two fireballs. And the chip requirement is zero. Onto other news... the fifth bomb could be placed four tiles further at (15,4). This makes the third and fifth bombs relatively tough to figure out and I think the level becomes too difficult for CCLP1. Maybe move these bombs closer and call it "Almost the Longest Track" and then we can actually have the "Longest Track" in a future set?
I love the level though, but maybe its place is not in CCLP1. Hopefully someone will work out a simple yet unbusted mechanism for the concept too.
#48 (Feeling Blue?) - If CCLP1 needs a blue wall maze, why not this one?
#49 (Pink Ball Pond) - Something about this level I just really, really loved. Even the use of invisible walls was temperate enough to be ok. The lack of collisions between pink balls was a big plus. The pond and its seemingly open nature felt nice after the more cramped spaces. Not for beginners though, I think. One of my favorites.
#50 (Backyard) - A very pretty level. The time limit is extremely tight (e.g. spalsh delay in lynx with the blocks). The rff make a pretty tree, but they are not fun to play (lynx doesn't allow for backwards boosting against what the floors are trying to do), and even less fun to optimize (even theoretical best time in MS is quite wild to figure out). I was also very afraid of the ending, being stuck in a trap with a tank heading toward me and a closed toggle wall in front of me. I had fun though!
That's it for today :-)
#5 (Pestilence II) - Any solutions are too forced. There isn't enough breathing room.
#12 (Buying Time) - Fantastic level. A simple collecting challenge with a twist that amps up the excitement. Might be even more interesting if the room order wasn't quite as fixed (maybe getting to the toggle button earlier would be possible, but at some other cost in time), making it more interesting to calculate if the it is worth the time to press that button and if so, when to do it. Maybe that's a concept to explore in a derivative level, and no need to change this one.
#15 (Grey Connection) - This felt surprisingly fresh.

#17 (Pennsie Pinkies) - I had fun playing this. Will have trouble evaluating its suitability for CCLP1. My main concern is with the size of the level, as it could be just a bit smaller and still be just as fun.
#19 (Palm Islands, Dubai) - First, if something like this makes it in to the set, I'd like the name to be simpler, as in just "Palm Islands". Same goes for that hint. The trick at the exit, to not pick up the skates before getting the last blue key is a bit mean (maybe that should be the thing mentioned in the hint). I love how the level looks though and it plays well. A socket by an exit would be nice too, if all the Chips are supposed to be taken. Why are there two exits, one of which can't be reached in lynx? Maybe my favorite level from Thinker, and I hope this one could find a place in CCLP1.
#23 (Trap Master) - The hint says to take the last room more cautiously. Why does anyone make a level that they know has an issue towards the end of playing it through??? Just switch the concepts around a bit, thank you. Why can't I just pick the order I visit the rooms, for example? Maneuvering so many blocks takes a lot of effort too, so I for one wouldn't mind if the rooms already had some blocks to use and extras could be cloned in the hallway. I'm sure there would also be a way to build the level in such a way that I wouldn't have to traverse these long corridors so much. Overall, I appreciate the attempt at using this concept of not allowing buttons to be pressed, but would like the level more if the designer started from scratch and focused on making it all simpler somehow.
#27 (Random Addendum) - I could live with this one.
#28 (Blockness Monster) - Some nice ideas here. It does fall into the trap of having too many blocks to push around, making it too long for my taste. I did solve it with 15 seconds left on my first attempt

#30 (Colorblind Dog) - I just love this level. I mean I'll probably hate optimizing it, but it's a very enjoyable creation. It would fit perfectly as level #99.
#33 (Stupendous Steel) - One of the more interesting tutorial level, at least from its original set. The name sounds like some sort of superhero reference.
#34 (Eleventh Hour) - Time limit is strict, but I guess the designer knew this considering the name of the level. However, I'm not sure many would enjoy this sort of level being the one with a strict time limit. I like the bomb exploding part (as you can go back and make sure you counted right, but can't see exactly from where you are pressing the button). The keys at the end seem odd, as it's practically the same as just entering the exit. A fine level otherwise.
#37 (Peek-A-Boo) - Something needs to be done about the last three traps leading to the exit. Having them at (25,18), (24,19),(23,20) should work. Not sure if I'd rather see this in the second half of CCLP1 or in the first half of CCLP4.
#38 (Descending Ceiling) - Lovely concept. Are the two chips at (14,25-26) meant as the means to reach the exits? This can also be done from (21,27). I guess not, but just wondering.
#41 (Abrupt) - Would be so much better with gravel at (5-7,19) and just one blob. We're told that we should vote as if some of these issues will be addressed, but what about issues that are a matter of taste?
#43 (Gridlock) - I enjoy this sort of levels, but don't think they should make it into a CCLP.
#44 (Mind Your Manners) - Wow, what a great level! I wonder who made it?

#46 (The Longest Track) - So yeah, even in its current form it is busted with the use of two fireballs. And the chip requirement is zero. Onto other news... the fifth bomb could be placed four tiles further at (15,4). This makes the third and fifth bombs relatively tough to figure out and I think the level becomes too difficult for CCLP1. Maybe move these bombs closer and call it "Almost the Longest Track" and then we can actually have the "Longest Track" in a future set?

#48 (Feeling Blue?) - If CCLP1 needs a blue wall maze, why not this one?
#49 (Pink Ball Pond) - Something about this level I just really, really loved. Even the use of invisible walls was temperate enough to be ok. The lack of collisions between pink balls was a big plus. The pond and its seemingly open nature felt nice after the more cramped spaces. Not for beginners though, I think. One of my favorites.
#50 (Backyard) - A very pretty level. The time limit is extremely tight (e.g. spalsh delay in lynx with the blocks). The rff make a pretty tree, but they are not fun to play (lynx doesn't allow for backwards boosting against what the floors are trying to do), and even less fun to optimize (even theoretical best time in MS is quite wild to figure out). I was also very afraid of the ending, being stuck in a trap with a tank heading toward me and a closed toggle wall in front of me. I had fun though!
That's it for today :-)