CCLP1 Voting Lists and Nominations
Quote:More nominations, and a couple of seconds:

Kidsfair: #16 Generic Ice Level, #18 Lake Lake, #24 A Basket of Apples, #36 Laugh at Me!, #44 The Devout Sinner and #46 One for the Money
I second these levels.
Reynaldi Judianto Angry Unamused Fail
Quote:More nominations, and a couple of seconds:

Kidsfair: #16 Generic Ice Level, #18 Lake Lake, #24 A Basket of Apples, #36 Laugh at Me!, #44 The Devout Sinner and #46 One for the Money.

TomPCCLP1: #25 !?, #29 Pickpocket Land, #30 Space Man, #31 Future World, #36 Flamethrowers, #37 Adrenalin Rush, #39 Bridge of Disaster, and #64 If Only You Knew.


I'll also nominate Tom's Final Destination.
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
Quote:I'll also nominate Tom's Final Destination.

I'll nominate Tom's Solve the Pyramid too.
and I'll second Solve the Pyramid
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
Wow, the two of you must have the exact same taste in cc levels Wink

I'll also nominate Tom's Final Destination.


I'll nominate Tom's Solve the Pyramid too.

Have you guys actually tried solving these without the use of a map? Slight smile

Edit: Here are today's list movements...

Blacklist to whitelist with the necessary nominations:

kidsfair #16 - Generic Ice Level
kidsfair #18 - Lake Lake
kidsfair #24 - A Basket of Apples
kidsfair #44 - The Devout Sinner
kidsfair #46 - One for the Money
Places #24 - Space Station
TomPCCLP1 #22 - Solve The Pyramid
TomPCCLP1 #25 - !?
TomPCCLP1 #29 - Pickpocket Land
TomPCCLP1 #30 - Space Man
TomPCCLP1 #31 - Future World
TomPCCLP1 #36 - Flamethrowers
TomPCCLP1 #37 - Adrenalin Rush
TomPCCLP1 #39 - Bridge of Disaster
TomPCCLP1 #64 - If Only You Knew
TomPCCLP1 #70 - Final Destination

Blacklist to limbo list with the necessary nominations:

kidsfair #36 - Laugh at Me!

Limbo list to whitelist with corrections made:

BillR1 #28 - Sidewalking

Whitelist to limbo list upon further examination:

ArchieP1 #70 - SHOOTING STAR
Quote:Seconded!I'll also nominate Tom's Final Destination.
Quote:and I'll second Solve the Pyramid

Zane, you are hilarious! Tongue

However, It doesn't really matter. Everyone will probably give Final Destination a low rating, despite never playing it to the end. I'll defend Solve the Pyramid though, even if people don't want to see one guesswork level in CCLP1, but I enjoy the level's concept, the tank puzzle, and the other shenanigans inside. Thumbs up
[Image: tsjoJuC.png]
We're just 26 or so hours away from closing nominations completely and starting voting. So, in the meantime, here's the list movement over the past few days:

Limbo list to whitelist:

- ArchieP1 #67 - CRAWLER CARRIER

- ArchieP1 #70 - SHOOTING STAR (not posted online)

- Ida4 #15 - Four Rooms (not posted online)

- Joe's CCLP1 Entries #1 - LEARN YOUR LESSONS

- kidsfair #36 - Laugh at Me!

- Schnitzel #1 - First Level, Bill.
- Schnitzel #10 - Bugged
- Schnitzel #23 - Blue's Schnitzel I
- Schnitzel #59 - Square Garden Maze
- Schnitzel #72 - Guitar Pick

Blacklist to whitelist:

- geodave3 #41 - 32 Chips

Limbo list levels that have moved to the blacklist due to designer preference:

- JA1 #17 - Database
- JA1 #31 - Pine Tree

- Schnitzel #24 - Clusters
Looking good Slight smile

Thanks to the people who nominated my levels B)
The nomination period has just closed - here are our final movements for the lists:

To blacklist:

11levels #9 - AIR STRIKE
aaronfarmercclp1sumission #1 - A LOT INSIDE AND OUTSIDE
CheeseT1 #1 - LEVEL 1- WELCOME
CheeseT1 #46 - RHOMBUS
CheeseT1 #59 - AS EASY AS 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169!
JacquesS1 #2 - Chchcherry Chchchips
JacquesS2 #35 - Hurry up, Chip!
JacquesS2 #36 - Kablamo Boom!
JacquesS2 #65 - All Your Chips Are Belong To Us
JacquesS2 #87 - Ham & Jam Sandwich
JacquesS2 #94 - Watch Your Step
Joe's CCLP1 Entries #22 - GRIN AND BEAR IT
Joe's CCLP1 Entries #26 - MEITNERIUMkidsfair #37 - Blue around the Clock

Rosa1 #14 - Battle of the Elements

To whitelist:

BillR1 #31- Rush Hour

Bowman1 #10 - ODD WORLDJoe's CCLP1 Entries #20 - WILD MOUSE

Joe's CCLP1 Entries #27 - FUNHOUSE PINBALL
Lessinath_CCLP1_2_1 #60 - FireballPlaces #17 - Get the FROGS to JUMP

tensorpudding-cclp1 #21 - Go With The Floe

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