Posts: 1,022
Threads: 84
Joined: Mar 2012
Favorite Pack: CC1
Zane Kuecks
and I'll second Solve the Pyramid
Posts: 2,344
Threads: 157
Joined: Jan 2012
Favorite Pack: CC2LP1
J.B. Lewis
30-May-2013, 11:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 30-May-2013, 11:47 PM by jblewis.)
We're just 26 or so hours away from closing nominations completely and starting voting. So, in the meantime, here's the list movement over the past few days:
Limbo list to whitelist:
- ArchieP1 #67 - CRAWLER CARRIER
- ArchieP1 #70 - SHOOTING STAR (not posted online)
- Ida4 #15 - Four Rooms (not posted online)
- Joe's CCLP1 Entries #1 - LEARN YOUR LESSONS
- kidsfair #36 - Laugh at Me!
- Schnitzel #1 - First Level, Bill.
- Schnitzel #10 - Bugged
- Schnitzel #23 - Blue's Schnitzel I
- Schnitzel #59 - Square Garden Maze
- Schnitzel #72 - Guitar Pick
Blacklist to whitelist:
- geodave3 #41 - 32 Chips
Limbo list levels that have moved to the blacklist due to designer preference:
- JA1 #17 - Database
- JA1 #31 - Pine Tree
- Schnitzel #24 - Clusters
Posts: 2,344
Threads: 157
Joined: Jan 2012
Favorite Pack: CC2LP1
J.B. Lewis
01-Jun-2013, 2:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-Jun-2013, 2:09 AM by jblewis.)
The nomination period has just closed - here are our final movements for the lists:
To blacklist:
11levels #9 - AIR STRIKE
aaronfarmercclp1sumission #1 - A LOT INSIDE AND OUTSIDE
CheeseT1 #1 - LEVEL 1- WELCOME
CheeseT1 #46 - RHOMBUS
CheeseT1 #59 - AS EASY AS 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169!
JacquesS1 #2 - Chchcherry Chchchips
JacquesS2 #35 - Hurry up, Chip!
JacquesS2 #36 - Kablamo Boom!
JacquesS2 #65 - All Your Chips Are Belong To Us
JacquesS2 #87 - Ham & Jam Sandwich
JacquesS2 #94 - Watch Your Step
Joe's CCLP1 Entries #22 - GRIN AND BEAR IT
Joe's CCLP1 Entries #26 - MEITNERIUMkidsfair #37 - Blue around the Clock
Rosa1 #14 - Battle of the Elements
To whitelist:
BillR1 #31- Rush Hour
Bowman1 #10 - ODD WORLDJoe's CCLP1 Entries #20 - WILD MOUSE
Joe's CCLP1 Entries #27 - FUNHOUSE PINBALL
Lessinath_CCLP1_2_1 #60 - FireballPlaces #17 - Get the FROGS to JUMP
tensorpudding-cclp1 #21 - Go With The Floe