Quote:P.S. For Miika: level 57 totally got removed and replaced with a new level by the time you made that post. Wink

And I thought I checked each level on the list too, but I guess I was in a hurry towards the bottom.
Haha...well, at any rate, I hope you enjoyed the replacement!
For anyone who's missed the news in the JBLP2 thread, I've decided to go ahead and expand JBLP1 into a full 149 levels. The new set has been released, so please check it out and let me know what your thoughts are! As I've mentioned on the JBLP2 thread, I won't really have the time to build lots of levels for a new set in the days to come, so I've decided to go ahead and append what I've built to this set. Plus, I think the new levels complement the old ones quite well and add some variety. Here's the list of changes I posted to the changelog on the CCZone download page:

Complete revamp of set:

- 44 new levels added - eight of them "post-tutorial" levels.

- 9 levels from CCLP3 added.

- Over and Under, Checkpoints, Disruption, and Criss Cross removed.

Other changes:

- Levels in CCLP1 updated to match versions in CCLP1.*

- Levels in CCLP1 voting packs updated to match versions in voting packs.*

- Various time limits raised.

- Minor aesthetic changes.

- Titles for levels 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 25 changed.

- #25 (Motherlode): removed gravel from under blocks without keys.

- #37 (Monster Mash): expanded blob room.*

- #45 (Home Improvement): replaced blue walls in starting area with regular walls.

- #66 (Science Museum): removed two balls.*

- #71 (Under Construction): changed Chip's starting position.*

- #77 (Woof): removed recessed wall at bottom of NE room, replaced thieves in NE room with FFs, replaced gravel at top with toggle walls, removed toggle walls adjacent to teleports.*

- #80 (Mirages): added gravel to indicate switch spots, changed Chip's starting position and location of one chip.*

- #83 (Four Doors): added floor tiles on ice slide.*

- #100 (Every Trick in the Book): replaced recessed wall adjacent to bug room with FF-N.*

- #106 (A Study in Pink): added gravel tiles to NE room.*

- #107 (Let's Just Be Friends): removed block adjacent to tank button.*

- #112 (Chains): replaced recessed walls in SE corner with gravel, added panel-SE in center of room.*

- #115 (Blue Tooth): added gravel squares to start room.*

- #118 (Non Sequitur): moved fire boots one space up, changed location of red door.*

- #121 (Ice Is Nice): rebuilt portions of east side.*

- #132 (Hodge Dodge): moved toggle button and recessed walls two spaces up.*

- #135 (Stress Fracture): added floor to rest of level, changed Chip's starting position.*

- #137 (Safari): added a few fake blue walls.*

- #140 (Synchronize): added gravel titles to showcase safe spots.

- #142 (Hold On): changed location of recessed wall.*

- #145 (Thanks to...): removed "2," re-centered "Thanks."*

- #146 (Pattern): modified trap area in SE corner to avoid stuck tanks.*

- #147 (Japanese Game Show): moved socket, replaced old socket location with red door, replaced green door at start to gravel to allow west area to be solved first.

- #148 (Crosshairs): replaced bugs and paramecia with additional gliders and fireballs.* (old version to be featured in rejects set)

Other changes:

- #25 (Motherlode): removed gravel from under blocks without keys.

J.B., the blocks without keys now have blocks under them, making it unplayable in Lynx.

Kind of surprised no one commented on this since August. Raised eyebrow

I'm playing through this set right now, and I just have to say, J.B., that level 65, Shambles, is easily one of my favorite levels of all time! The puzzles are simple enough but extremely satisfying. Brilliant work on the design for that one. Slight smile

CC1, CC2, CCLP1, CCLP2, JBLP1, Pit of 100 Tiles: Complete!
CCLP3: (exact progress lost to the sands of time, will have to try again at some point)

CCLP4: 30/149
The Other 100 Tiles: 75/100
Jacques.dat: 109/986
I'm hopelessly stuck on 144, Color Coordination. To get green button access, you need a green key or suction boots. To get a green key, you need suction boots or green button access. Getting the suction boots seems impossible. Is there some advanced boosting that's required to get the suction boots? There are no blocks that can be brought up to aid me, and it seems getting either the red key or fire boots is outright impossible, as each requires the other. Any help would be appreciated.

CC1, CC2, CCLP1, CCLP2, JBLP1, Pit of 100 Tiles: Complete!
CCLP3: (exact progress lost to the sands of time, will have to try again at some point)

CCLP4: 30/149
The Other 100 Tiles: 75/100
Jacques.dat: 109/986
Color Coordination is an amazingly well crafted puzzle-it is solvable, though!

You can get a block from the red area up to the force floors.

[Click to Show Content]

My CC1 levelsets: (25, 150, 149, 149, 149, 149, 60, 149, 43, +2 = 1025 total)
25 levels.dat | Ultimate Chip.dat | Ultimate Chip 2.ccl | Ultimate Chip 3.dac | Ultimate Chip 4.zip | Ultimate Chip 5 | Ultimate Chip 6 Walls of CCLP4 i^e
IHNN-Ultimate: 147 of my best levels (through UC5), plus 2 entirely new ones. May be overhauled soon.

My CC2 levelsets: (100, ???)

My CC score tracker. Has lots of cool automated features!
Twitch | Youtube | Twitter
Wow. I did consider

[Click to Show Content]
but for some reason I didn't think it would work. I missed something about the way the rooms connected and the gravel placement, I guess.

Anyway, thanks for the tips! Slight smile

CC1, CC2, CCLP1, CCLP2, JBLP1, Pit of 100 Tiles: Complete!
CCLP3: (exact progress lost to the sands of time, will have to try again at some point)

CCLP4: 30/149
The Other 100 Tiles: 75/100
Jacques.dat: 109/986
how do you complete level 124 (Crate Packing). I am stumped on the second "warehouse" section. I am able to put all the blocks into the room without cooking the level but have lots of trouble putting them into the water. Can only manage to get only two out. I need help
Quote:how do you complete level 124 (Crate Packing). I am stumped on the second "warehouse" section. I am able to put all the blocks into the room without cooking the level but have lots of trouble putting them into the water. Can only manage to get only two out. I need help
This is the arrangement I used:

[Image: 38qp4miij46mir3zg.jpg]

It's possible to get to and out of this configuration, but it's still easy to push the wrong thing at the wrong time Slight smile

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