Flareon1 feedback & discussion thread
Wow thanks so much for the feedback! I was honestly expecting some pretty horrible reviews Tongue This will definitely help my level design for this game, as I'm still kind of getting used to everything. I already knew there were some busts in some levels, just didn't know where. But that Eastbound dynamite bust..... Fail I'm actually a little embarrassed about that one. But I will do my best to fix all the busts mentioned, as well as make some minor updates with time limits and such, especially on Casper (which is my personal favorite as of now) Glad to hear you enjoyed all the levels Slight smile

As for some of your comments, here's my responses to some of them:

Quote:04 MINIONS
Love it! I beat it normally the first time but it’s also possible to bust it by spamming the pink button enough that four pink balls permanently cover the FF and fireball buttons while more pink balls bounce back and forth over the doppelgänger cloner. The dozen or so fireballs quickly die in the water and then you get a never-ending supply of doppelgängers. I beat it this way and had even more fun than the first way so there’s that Wink.

So I had PLENTY of time on this one. First time through there the logic clock showed 741 out of 1000 when I got to the exit room. I’m pretty sure if the time limit ran out you’d still have 200 ticks left on the logic clock, so it’s really not doing anything in this level that I can see other than making the player feel a vague sense of urgency. Also, since it’s placed right before to the exit, even if it did run out it’s only acting as an alternate time limit, right? I love the idea of using logic clocks in a level, but what about using it to block off access to a bonus room like in PIGEON HOLES or the CRAZY levels?

Wow, this just became one of my favorite CC2 levels! Well done, I think it’s a real masterpiece. Only thing I’d recommend is upping the time limit to 250 or 300 since it really takes a while to figure out, I ran out of time twice just because I was still puzzling on what to do next.

Time limit was a little tight on this one. I guess it’s intended but while the concept is nice one time through, it’s not the most fun to replay just because of the constant back-and-forth motion on the tank button.

I was afraid this was going to be horribly difficult, but turns out the strategy is really simple and it’s totally fun to play!

04 MINIONS - I might actually leave that in if it's more fun than the intended way. That and I have no clue how to fix such a thing Tongue

06 CLOCK EXPERIMENT - This level was basically me testing out the counters, I was aware the 1000 is more than enough time. I will most likely lower to around 600-700 so the player will still have some leeway. I'll use the counters, as well as more logic gates in future levels though Wink

12 CASPER - I'm very glad to hear you loved this one, this one took the longest time to make, despite being a small level. I will definitely up the time limit.

13 DIMENSIONAL DELETION - Useless trivia: I originally planned to make this level's concept a 50 x 50 level.... very glad I didn't do that, considering your feedback on this one!

15 CONSERVATION OF KEYS - This is actually a port from one of my CC1 sets Slight smile
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JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
Level 6, Clock Experiment: First red key can be used on second red door, sparing two directional blocks and the other red key.

Level 9, Eastbound: First green key can be lost immediately by going back to the key thief.

Level 14, Ectoplasm: I had a spare block in the first room, and i don't know what the flame jet in the bottom right is for.

Quote:04 MINIONS - I might actually leave that in if it's more fun than the intended way. That and I have no clue how to fix such a thing Tongue

If you do end up wanting to fix it, you can replace the force floor with a RR track + switch.
CCMiniLP, my CCLP1 submissions. Outdated, not recommended.
CCSignificantlyLargerLP, my CCLP4 submissions. More current than my main set.
Consistent Inconsistency (ongoing), my main CC1 custom set. (discussion)
RyanJ1.dat (ongoing), my main CC2 custom set. (discussion)
Mystery Project (unfinished) (previews)

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Here's my review so far:


Like Joshua said, it's deceptively tricky. Took me some time to get it right. Was fun to tinker with Slight smile


It's a cool level, but might benefit from having less chips to collect.


I think this level is cute Slight smile It's one of those levels that isn't difficult but enjoyable to play.


Good, short level. I think the length is short enough to not make the 'guide-dopplegangers'-puzzle become tedious, so that's a plus. Joshua's solution sounds cool, I think you should keep that in Tongue


Fun puzzle. Short and sweet. I thought I was gonna cook the level in the end when I accidentally made the ghost fly to other parts of the level, but I could get it back to where it was supposed to be.


I thought this level was really cool aesthetically, with the clock and such. Most rooms was a blast to play through. This one's my favorite so far. I think you should fix the bust random 8 took up however, and maybe decrease the clock timer a little bit. This one has made me want to experiment with the counter myself Tongue


Again, very nice level to look at and play. I liked the fact that you could do the rooms in whatever order, so that when you slip up you don't necessarily have to start with the same room again. I think railroads are gonna be the new ice maze rooms Tongue Great level.


This is a fun level with some puzzles that are entertaining to solve. Not much more to say. Really great title also Laughing


Heres where my soft spot for titles get me, it made this level seem way more epic than it actually might be Tongue. I liked this one, even though I think there are some rooms that aren't very necessary. I think the last room with the railroads are just a puzzle where the difficulty is seeing where the track goes, and as such, not very interesting (this is more a issue I have with the railroad tracks in general, however)


I thought this level was kinda annoying to look at. I get what the purpose of it was, but I didn't enjoy it as much as the others.


This, as contrast was much nicer to look at. Cool level, even though I didn't expect it to be as linear as it was at first. Still had a good time with it.


This level was great. Ghost levels are great in that they both are fun to design and to play, at least so far in my experience. I think the time limit may have been a little tight, given that I often ran out of time exactly when I was pausing to think of where to go next. But that might just be me. Stellar level.


Was a bit tedious in my opinion. My least favorite.


Great level! This level had a great blend of difficult-when-you-look-at-them-puzzles-but-easy-once-you-get-your-head-around-them (whew!). I think the blob room could have had a bit fewer blobs however, so that it's faster to slog through. But this was one of my definite favorites. Had a lot of fun with it.


Personally, not a big fan of levels where there's a maze of keys and you're supposed to pick up as few of them as you can. I didn't finish it, so I don't have any feedback for it.

Overall, there were a lot of enjoyable levels in your set so far, and quite a bit of aesthetically pleasing levels. I had a great time playing through it. The only levels where I had to stop and think was POISON BACKYARD and CASPER, the other levels was pretty easy to figure out. Not saying it's a good or bad thing, just my experience with them.
My levelset: https://forum.bitbusters.club/thread-1491.html
Any feedback is much appreciated! Slight smile
Thanks for your bust reports and feedback, random 8 and Pulluxx! I have made all the fixes that I have been presented with so far and will update when I get around to adding more levels. Slight smile


Was a bit tedious in my opinion. My least favorite.


Personally, not a big fan of levels where there's a maze of keys and you're supposed to pick up as few of them as you can. I didn't finish it, so I don't have any feedback for it.

Like I said, I originally was going to make DIMENSIONAL DELETION a 50 x 50 level. If you think it's still tedious being a 10 x 10 level, well I can't do much about that Slight smile Sorry to hear it's your least favorite I thought the concept was pretty cool.

As for CONSERVATION OF KEYS, it really isn't that difficult of a level and pretty easy to solve.
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1
JCCLP1 / JCCLP2 / JCCLP3 / JoshL0 / Joshie (available only on Discord!)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
A really nice level set with some great levels.
Included replays would imo be a nice thing.

Let's have a look at the levels:
The rating CDEF, C=how much I like the concept, D=difficulty of figuring out what to do (i.e. puzzle), E=difficulty of executing solution (i.e. action), F=how much fun I had playing it, is subjective and just a just a comparison among different levels in this set.

01 PoisonBackyard
Nice level, and not too difficult, but the tight time limit makes a first try really hard. I would prefer 50 seconds more for such a level. Not quite sure why the green key has to be hidden as well...
CDEF 4323

02 GreenAppleHarvest
A lot of relatively precise timing and monster dodging, imo to long to be fun.
CDEF 1151

03 BlockTug
A really beautiful level, quite easy, but minor thing, the ways the blocks have to be moved could be shorter for my taste.
CDEF 2112

04 Minions
A really fun to play level Slight smile
CDEF 3225

05 TempleBypass
A nice little level.
CDEF 3223

06 ClockExperiment
The force floor part at the start is a bit annoying, depending on when you push the blocks exactly, it is either easy to pull or push them off, or really hard for some reason, but other than this, which has not too much to do with the level design, a good solid level.
CDEF 2242

07 MarineScienceMuseum
Really liked the bottom two puzzles, the left one took me quite a while to figure out what you are supposed to do.
CDEF 5524

08 TricksandTrade
Found the starting puzzle really good.
CDEF 4313

09 Eastbound
Some nice puzzles, but really long for the amount you can screw up.
Since already in other posts described, busted, no rating.

10 WitheredSavanna
The used tiles / colors make this level harder and more confusing than necessary, and too much monster dodging for me.
CDEF 1451

11 DiscoveryBay
A really beautiful designed level Thumbs up
CDEF 4314

12 Casper
A bit surprised to read what other people think about this one. Found it relatively straight forward, to find out what to do, and therefor probably didn't noticed anything about the time limit. A really nice level.
CDEF 4323

13 DimensionalDeletion
Interesting concept for a small level, but not enough time to be a fun level. If it should be fun to play, it needs probably at least 30 seconds more on the clock.
CDEF 2151

14 Ectoplasm
Some really tricky puzzles, some solved via trial and error. Really nice level Slight smile
CDEF 4543

15 ConservationOfKeys
In a way, more a simple bonus level, yet a fun concept.
CDEF 2113
Okay version 1.1 has been released. This includes 5 new levels and the following levels have been fixed:

Minions - minor bust fixed
Temple Bypass - removed unnecessary ice skates
Clock Experiment - counter timer lowered and fixed all busts
Eastbound - replaced yellow keys with male only signs to prevent major bust
Withered Savanna - added thin walls around the ending section to prevent bust
Casper - increased time limit to 250
Dimensional Deletion - increased time limit to 125
Ectoplasm - removed unnecessary ice block in SE and changed blobs behavior to be more random

Enjoy and thanks for all the feedback in advance!
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1
JCCLP1 / JCCLP2 / JCCLP3 / JoshL0 / Joshie (available only on Discord!)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
[Image: f9mR14I.png]

Here's a preview of one of the levels you'll be able to play in the next update of this set! I am particularly proud of this one.
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1
JCCLP1 / JCCLP2 / JCCLP3 / JoshL0 / Joshie (available only on Discord!)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
Alright I just released version 1.2 Slight smile this update includes 10 new levels! I didn't receive any feedback on the levels that were added in 1.1 so hopefully there were no issues with those that I missed!

I also discovered from version 1.1 that level 6 became unsolvable and level 9 still had a minor bust, both which I fixed. Thanks to random 8 for notifying me on those. Otherwise enjoy!

Edit: Update to 1.2.1 due to an unsolvable portion of level 24 that I missed. I also took the liberty of making that level untimed, since it's the only 100 x 100 level in the set.
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1
JCCLP1 / JCCLP2 / JCCLP3 / JoshL0 / Joshie (available only on Discord!)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
so a little feedback:

1. My aren't we annoying with the oobleck? Good level!
2. Daaaaaang. Good idea but hard to navigate.
3. Well I didn't WANT to learn how to use the hook, but I did.
4. Love it! A Chip cloner!
5. Ehhhhhhxcellent! Nice use of key on door.
"Bad news, bad news came to me where I sleep / Turn turn turn again" - Bob Dylan
Some really nice new levels Slight smile
One thing I have to point out again, there are no replays included, which I really would prefer, since this way it can't happen that levels are unsolvable which really ruins the experience, and in some levels I'm not sure if my solutions are the intended ones, but can't really tell to the lack of any reference. And there is really no disadvantage of adding replays, so I would really like to see added in the future Rolling eyes

I like the concept and the level. Some paths to push blocks around are a bit long, but that's just a minor point.

A nice small fun to play level Slight smile

Nice concept, and I like the long time limit, especially since dropping the boots accidental leads most likely to death and no more destruction or fire Flareon

A nice little teamwork level. Don't really know the purpose of the flame throwers, since you have fire boots, but who cares, I liked the level.

The visual appearance of this level is really confusing, and the time limit imo way to short. Didn't finish this one.

An easy fun to play block pushing level Slight smile

Probably my favorite of the new levels Thumbs up Feels like a nice blue wall maze combined with rails. Really fun to play. That you just need four red keys feels a bit busted, but I can't really tell, but a replay would have helped to see if this is intended.

Even if I normally don't like a lot of precision direction-changing with speed boots, it was short enough and the time limit generous enough to be fun.

Luckily I did not invest to must time in this one, since I saw today, it is unsolvable. The 16 minutes time limit was way to short for such an huge epic level, so being untimed is definitely better.

A nice easy aoe puzzle Slight smile

It starts with a nice little sokoban, and I really like these type of puzzles, but the visual appearance made it ways harder than it normally would have been (too many panel walls). Getting the timing right for the first yellow tank was a bit annoying, but not too much. Over all, top level, really liked it Thumbs up

A nice fun to play maze with interesting shortcuts B)

Too much hidden information for me. Since it's mainly trial and error up to the point where you find more hidden information and more parts with trial and error, I didn't invest too much time in trying to find a solution.

I generally don't like slimes and this level with a lot them makes no exception.

It feels like it's intentionally designed in a way that you screw up over and over again by trapping yourself or get killed (especially since the time limit would be way to short if it's a puzzle level), otherwise I would say, some parts are just bad designed as the consequences of what you are doing or not doing are not always visible (sometimes exactly one tile out of sight, which as well leads me believe it's intentional), but anyhow this way (mostly trial and error) it's not that fun to play or a nice puzzle level, even if the first appearance or the title leads you to believe in that. However I really like some of the dirt interactions in this level, and the the idea of the level in this regard.

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