I have no idea how to build this concept. Help?
that bug/fireball idea is simple and genius!

I didn't think you could connect 1 red button to more than one clone machine. You can however connect multiple buttons to 1 clone machine. An interesting idea anyway.

yeah, this thread is inspiring Slight smile

I made a few levels in the past that weren't really solvable levels just complicated clocks for fun
my CC2 sets: Mobi's Challenge (166 levels)
Walls of CCLP2 (V2) presently: ~50 levels

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakwin Rinzai

"Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man"
-'The Dude' Lebowski
I'm not sure about all editors, but in CCEdit you can connect a clone button to as many clone machines as you like. However, pressing a clone button with multiple connections will only operate the first connected clone machine in the list - further connections are not recognized, so I don't think it's possible to simultaneously operate multiple clone machines with a single button.
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the first one doesn't work in Lynx, due to bear trap sliding sadly. The annoying thing is you can't just fix it by putting ice somewhere.

The rest work though Thumbs up
my CC2 sets: Mobi's Challenge (166 levels)
Walls of CCLP2 (V2) presently: ~50 levels

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakwin Rinzai

"Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man"
-'The Dude' Lebowski
Nice thread guys Thumbs up I like that bug and fire idea too Thumbs up (Y) Thumbs up

Just now I have a new level concept that requires Chip to stand on a trap button for a long time (which activates a timer). After that, a tank will quickly clone and blow a bomb in it's path. However, Chip is standing in it's path as well. The main problem is that I can't figure out a timer mechanism that suits this concept--a timer which works ONLY when the trap button is being held down. Can anyone help me?
Teeth  Teeth  Teeth  
Teeth  Chip Win  Teeth  
Teeth   Teeth  Teeth
Quote:Nice thread guys Thumbs up I like that bug and fire idea too Thumbs up (Y) Thumbs up

Just now I have a new level concept that requires Chip to stand on a trap button for a long time (which activates a timer). After that, a tank will quickly clone and blow a bomb in it's path. However, Chip is standing in it's path as well. The main problem is that I can't figure out a timer mechanism that suits this concept--a timer which works ONLY when the trap button is being held down. Can anyone help me?

here's an idea similarly that I made for a level which I ultimately scrapped from my first set. In this level, you hold down the brown button to stop the fireballs to allow save passage through the gravel area. For your level it sounds like you may want to reverse this idea so holding down the button makes monsters clone. [You could achieve this by swapping the paths the (left) fireballs take.

my CC2 sets: Mobi's Challenge (166 levels)
Walls of CCLP2 (V2) presently: ~50 levels

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakwin Rinzai

"Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man"
-'The Dude' Lebowski
Quote:Here are 3 clocks I came up with. The red buttons would trigger a mechanism to start cloning monsters into the room. The last one takes the longest and has no trap connections at all, but it might be more difficult to set up. It's easy to set the length of the timer for all of them.

[Image: FpihnjQ.png]

In Lynx does monster order have any bearing on anything what-so-ever? Raised eyebrow

I was just experimenting with these clocks posted above. The last one with the bug/fireball. In Ms changing the monster order effects if the fireball changes direction or the bug, as expected. But in Lynx the bug always changes no matter what.

I know monsters move differently in Lynx, but this is sort of a bummer if you have less control over how they move.


also on the first clock; to make it work in Lynx, simply eliminate the trap on the far end (opposite the button) And move the button for the other to the end of the path. I'm not sure how this effects the timing but it still works as a clock Thumbs up (and has 1 fewer trap connections)
my CC2 sets: Mobi's Challenge (166 levels)
Walls of CCLP2 (V2) presently: ~50 levels

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakwin Rinzai

"Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man"
-'The Dude' Lebowski
I have a concept of my own I could use some help with:

[Image: gallery_127_3_16437.jpg]

I'd like to design a device so pressing the red button releases the bugs 1 at a time, in random order (only once); in other words they exit the trap and come back and remain stuck again. I'd like each bug to be only released once per "cycle" or press of the button. Also I don't want to allow pressing the red button more than once while the bugs are being released (this part I sort of already have a solution for) I want the bugs to be released slowly enough so the player has plenty of time to view what is happening (so a second or more in between releases) thanks.

All the bugs should get released, just once. The top one must always be last. The order should be random and random each time the red button is pressed. The button can be pressed again once the cycle has stopped (the top one is released)
my CC2 sets: Mobi's Challenge (166 levels)
Walls of CCLP2 (V2) presently: ~50 levels

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakwin Rinzai

"Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man"
-'The Dude' Lebowski
How about this:

[Image: gallery_271_3_60537.png]

Hope this helps.
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Good posts don't cost too much, yet many go unwritten.
How would the red button get pressed by the bugs? And is there no toggle button in this concept?
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my CC2 sets: Mobi's Challenge (166 levels)
Walls of CCLP2 (V2) presently: ~50 levels

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakwin Rinzai

"Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man"
-'The Dude' Lebowski

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