The Let's Play Topic
Here's where we will hold everyone's YouTube channel for an easier access to everybody's Let's Play projects. Go ahead and reply if you have any special stuff to write beside yours or any other request.

rockdet --

BigOto2 --

Flareon350 --

Hornlitz --

James --

jblewis --



ManipulatorGeneral --

micronexer97 --

Hello'v'ryone's'is' rockdet Ænigma Mælström (any word with æ because it's funny), master of non sequitur buckets!
My YouTube Channel
Rock-Alpha(It's a great game, Bill) 65 levels, including "Voices" and the world-infamous famous "Bloblake"!
Rock-Beta (You should try it, Bill) 50 levels, including "Unicorn Rabbit" and "The Sedna Suite" odyssey!
Rock-Gamma (Woah, really, Bill?!) 40 levels, including "Uncle duo ha ha ha ha ha" and many other surprises and what the actual f*** moments!
Teeth "We are after all in the future, where the past is king and the paste is ming." -raocow
Also, don't forget TJP7291, my Chip's Challenge Youtube channel.
[Image: tsjoJuC.png]
I don't do Let's Plays Slight smile And even if I did, I wouldn't use quiznos00 to post them on. You could also link to Andrew's channel, even though he hasn't posted anything in a while...
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.
Thanks for doing this, Rock!
I think it's a good idea to reunite everyone under a same topic so people who search for that find it easily
Hello'v'ryone's'is' rockdet Ænigma Mælström (any word with æ because it's funny), master of non sequitur buckets!
My YouTube Channel
Rock-Alpha(It's a great game, Bill) 65 levels, including "Voices" and the world-infamous famous "Bloblake"!
Rock-Beta (You should try it, Bill) 50 levels, including "Unicorn Rabbit" and "The Sedna Suite" odyssey!
Rock-Gamma (Woah, really, Bill?!) 40 levels, including "Uncle duo ha ha ha ha ha" and many other surprises and what the actual f*** moments!
Teeth "We are after all in the future, where the past is king and the paste is ming." -raocow
Don't forget ChipWiki, which uploads pure vanilla solutions to many levels. It might even deserve its own topic for those who are stuck on a level and simply want a video walkthrough without having to download them.
That's what I was thinking. I want individuals here, where to go to have fun watching peeps kill themselves and laugh/rage about it Tongue
Hello'v'ryone's'is' rockdet Ænigma Mælström (any word with æ because it's funny), master of non sequitur buckets!
My YouTube Channel
Rock-Alpha(It's a great game, Bill) 65 levels, including "Voices" and the world-infamous famous "Bloblake"!
Rock-Beta (You should try it, Bill) 50 levels, including "Unicorn Rabbit" and "The Sedna Suite" odyssey!
Rock-Gamma (Woah, really, Bill?!) 40 levels, including "Uncle duo ha ha ha ha ha" and many other surprises and what the actual f*** moments!
Teeth "We are after all in the future, where the past is king and the paste is ming." -raocow
This is pretty cool actually. At least this will make my LPs somewhat more popular. Thanks for this!
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1
JCCLP1 / JCCLP2 / JCCLP3 / JoshL0 / Joshie (available only on Discord!)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
I qualify for this list? Laughing
I'd hope that the LPer responsible for the term "Chinese Keyboard Fail" would be on it. Slight smile

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