Call for CC2LP1 Level Pack Submissions (Submissions Close May 31)
Greetings Chipsters,

In honor of CCLP4 submissions being opened three years ago today, I would like to semi-officially open level submissions for the first CC2 community pack. There have been conversations on the Discord about when submissions should open and who would like to be on the CC2LP1 staff and I've expressed my interest in leading the project and have received support from others. So, while the staff is not finalized, I would like to get the ball rolling by opening CC2 pack submissions, which I will maintain in a Google Doc and post here once it's more populated. You can submit your pack by letting me know here or on Discord, or letting someone know who will be sure to let me know Sunglasses

  • What to submit: Your submissions need only be C2M files. C2G files are not required and are not even encouraged. Levels will be jumbled during the voting process and the final pack assembly so C2G files are unnecessary. This also means advanced scripting (level warps, inventory setting, etc.) are implicitly banned since they aren't contained within a C2M file.

  • Before the submissions deadline, you may submit any level without restriction. However, after the deadline there will be a six-week (length tentative, could be extended) period in which you may fix the levels you submitted to conform to the following rules or withdraw levels from consideration.

  • Obvious criteria: no unsolvable levels, no busted levels, no levels that have appeared in any official level pack before, no blatant level mods

  • Level content: It has been decided that no contents other than those listed above will restrict a level from being accepted into voting. CC1 boot levels, zero directional blocks, blank no signs, any misc hex edited tiles, hide logic, and inaccessible bonuses are allowed. Viewport, RNG setting, and map size can be anything. No preliminary bans were put it effect since these levels are in the minority and the voting results will better gauge community interest in these types of levels.

  • Level solutions: MUST be provided. This is mostly to reduce time staff spends testing submitting levels (which, I know from CCLP1 and CCLP4, takes a while). If you are having technical troubles recording solutions to your levels, we can accommodate.

Level submission deadline is May 31st at 11:59 pm in whatever timezone you live in (technicality: they official close on 11:59am June 1st UTC, since that when the last timezone will cross midnight, but please try to get your levels in early anyway :D)

~ Tyler Sontag
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.
Good to know this is moving forward! I want to reiterate that I support Tyler as staff leader, and am willing to serve on the staff in any capacity if you're willing to have me. Slight smile

I just want to add that for CC2 submissions, individual levels should probably also be accepted, not just "packs".
It's great to see this happening Smiley I won't submit anything just yet; I will create a submissions set consisting of C1059-CC2 levels, and other levels, later on.

Also I would perhaps be interested in being part of the staff. I support Tyler as leader Thumbs up
CC is awesome!

CC2 sets (still being updated): C1059-CC2 --- Walls of CC2

CC1 sets (all complete): C1059-2 --- C1059-1 --- 1059PG01 --- C1059-Christmas --- C1059-INSANITY --- C1059-CCLP4

My Youtube channel --- Fiver's Honeycomb ---

Good posts don't cost too much, yet many go unwritten.
Great to see CC2LP1 progressing and take shape Thumbs up

I can help as far as far as my time allows it, if you want me to Raised eyebrow

[Image: large.cc2lp1_t1.png.3245855ceb1eea337cc8...84d922.png]
<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="" data-mentionid="5" href="">@quiznos00</a> Why are 9x9 viewport levels allowed when there were numerous opinions against it in the feedback topic, and they clearly go against the spirit of a CC2 set? Yet at the same time you did decide to ban CC1 boots rules, which are not much more of a carryover from the original...
Check out my levelset: AndrewR1
Discuss it here: AndrewR1 feedback and discussion
The majority of responses were in favor of both and the CC2 original set uses 9x9 viewports.

Some of these decisions are not final.
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1
JCCLP1 / JCCLP2 / JCCLP3 / JoshL0 / Joshie (available only on Discord!)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
Quote:2 hours ago, andyrkki said:

they clearly go against the spirit of a CC2 set?

May I point out that the original set that comes with the game has a few 9*9 levels? Clapping
CC is awesome!

CC2 sets (still being updated): C1059-CC2 --- Walls of CC2

CC1 sets (all complete): C1059-2 --- C1059-1 --- 1059PG01 --- C1059-Christmas --- C1059-INSANITY --- C1059-CCLP4

My Youtube channel --- Fiver's Honeycomb ---

Good posts don't cost too much, yet many go unwritten.
Quote:1 hour ago, Flareon350 said:

the CC2 original set uses 9x9 viewports.

Quote:22 minutes ago, chipster1059 said:

May I point out that the original set that comes with the game has a few 9*9 levels? Clapping

Is there a list of CC2 level viewport sizes somewhere? The wiki doesn't seem to have that information.

Quote:59 minutes ago, Flareon350 said:

Some of these decisions are not final.

May I ask which ones?
Check out my levelset: AndrewR1
Discuss it here: AndrewR1 feedback and discussion
Quote:5 minutes ago, andyrkki said:

Is there a list of CC2 level viewport sizes somewhere? The wiki doesn't seem to have that information.

May I ask which ones?

Everything I listed in the third paragraph is still up to further debate.
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.
Quote:7 hours ago, quiznos00 said:

Everything I listed in the third paragraph is still up to further debate.

I see - did you edit the first post here? Otherwise I must have missed that...

Regardless, if what <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="" data-mentionid="312" href="">@Ihavenoname248</a> wrote in the other topic about the CC1 boots feature being added late is correct, we really should consider treating these two things the same way: either both CC1 boots and 9x9 viewports are allowed, or neither option is.

(By the way, I apologize if I've taken this topic off track - I thought the decisions were final. Please feel free to split and/or merge posts as necessary.)
Check out my levelset: AndrewR1
Discuss it here: AndrewR1 feedback and discussion

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