ZK4 Feedback
I decided to start this thread for my ZK4 review since Zane doesn't have an existing feedback thread for this set yet. I hope you don't mind Zane, I have a good things to say for this set; many great levels


1. Really nice aesthetics and a nice puzzle as well.

2. Normally I stink at moving nails with monsters but these nails weren't too bad.

3. Slightly challenging "Flame Thower" type of level but a great puzzle to crack as well. Especially when the puzzles are in small confined rooms.

4. Really fun level and I really like square types of levels. In my opinion this is the first "easy" level; the last three were kind of challenging despite being in the very beginning of the set.

5. An ordinary chip collecting level with ice slides.

6. I also really like "Bounce City" types of levels and this one is fun.

7. I didn't get the gimmick until the very end, I always thought that the block alignment at the start was just arbitrary. Still had fun with this one though.

8. This level is basically speedy trial and error. Joyride levels are fun but they're not one of my top favorite CC concepts.

9. Simple chip collecting level maze. Can be good for optimizing though.

10. Great aesthetics, brown and blue look nice with each other. Although hiking near fire is dangerous

11. Another good level.

12. Standard chip collecting level maze but with force floors. Also, a good candidate for optimization too but can be tough.

13. Interesting concept but I feel it would be better off if it was a little smaller. I still really like this level though.

14. Slightly challenging level especially with the tooth navigation through water but not too hard. I gotta say that I've been getting better with the "Trail Master" concept ever since you level "The Life I Lead" from ZK2.

15. Collecting chips after a challenge is a great feeling. Although getting the ice skates through the block puzzles weren't too bad. Just a bit of trial and error and you'll get it.
Quote:9. Simple chip collecting level maze. Can be good for optimizing though.
Just going to clear up a misconception here- a good level for optimizing is not necessarily one that has a lot of force floors and ice for boosting. A good level for optimizing will generally have a lot of options for ways to approach certain areas, or have the main solution be complex enough that figuring out the best way to do each step is a challenge. Or both! This may mean lots of sliding tiles, but some of the most enjoyable and challenging levels I've worked on have had very little to do with boosting.

Oh and it's a good level Tongue
My CC1 levelsets: (25, 150, 149, 149, 149, 149, 60, 149, 43, +2 = 1025 total)
25 levels.dat | Ultimate Chip.dat | Ultimate Chip 2.ccl | Ultimate Chip 3.dac | Ultimate Chip 4.zip | Ultimate Chip 5 | Ultimate Chip 6 Walls of CCLP4 i^e
IHNN-Ultimate: 147 of my best levels (through UC5), plus 2 entirely new ones. May be overhauled soon.

My CC2 levelsets: (100, ???)

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Quote:Just going to clear up a misconception here- a good level for optimizing is not necessarily one that has a lot of force floors and ice for boosting. A good level for optimizing will generally have a lot of options for ways to approach certain areas, or have the main solution be complex enough that figuring out the best way to do each step is a challenge. Or both! This may mean lots of sliding tiles, but some of the most enjoyable and challenging levels I've worked on have had very little to do with boosting.

Oh and it's a good level Tongue
Like I said before I am not too much of an optimizer; I always thought that boosting was mandatory for optimizing.
Part 2 of my feedback


16. I like how the block slide works and a clever use of a tooth monster.

17. Amazing level that has a sequential order and that's what I like. However the block checkerboard in the 3rd section can be a issue.

18. I really like how the level looks in the map and it would be kind of cool to see a real town square like this.

19. This is an okay level.

20. Fun puzzles rolled into one level, the first room reminded me of the glider section from "Mudpie"

21. This is also an okay level you just got to be good at precise shifts from force floors but it is not too bad.

22. Level concept reminds me of amjiam's "52 Pick Up" and I feel that we need more levels of this concept cause it makes a great puzzle.

23. I remember seeing this in the CCLP4 voting and the ending has a great mechanism. One of my favorites my the set.

24. Tank levels are sort of fun as long as they're not "Think Tank" ish. Despite the name though I appreciate the pink balls and the fireballs that make a mix in the level.

25. Nice horizontally symmetrical level. Bumping up from the force floors onto the wall from the ice slide makes the process faster.

26. Simple ice maze to search for the exit.

27. I do like the way the level works but the level aesthetic kind of makes it difficult for the eyes. Well, I was using the Tile World tile set but in the regular old MSCC tile set this would've looked cooler.

28. Vanishing Act from CC1 wasn't one of my top favorites but it was a simple one. I find this Vanishing Act to be a lot more creative since it uses boots instead of the typical invisible walls and dirt. Plus, I do appreciate that 2 of the rooms have appearing walls that makes it a little easier as well as adding a twist to the original concept.

29. Another level that has fun puzzles rolled into one and the fact that there is a short supply adds an extra layer to the puzzle.

30. Although you get a second chance and the fact that there were no hot blocks near the exit I still do not like guesswork no matter how big or small the level is. The fact that there were no hot blocks near the exit is highly appreciated though.
Part 3 of my feedback (31-45)

I have to say there were some pretty difficult ones in the 30's decade. Angry

31. I feel that this is a nice modification of "Vanishing Act" in fact this level is a much more creative way of playing through Vanishing Act.

32. I'm sorry but this is a dumb level, I got pretty angry playing this. I just don't like the concept of doing something perfectly multiple times in a row without dying. Not to mention the paramecia roaming at the outside of the level that triggers the toggle doors and it just makes things harder. This level would've been better off without the paramecia, adding gravel, and/or require just a single turnaround.

33. "Finding an accessible exit" concept makes you think and this level had a nice puzzle.

34. Fun level, I consider this to be a breather level after the two last difficult levels.

35. This level contains a great puzzle. It makes the player think of a way to collect the chips in the most efficient method. At first I thought that this was going to be easy but I had to wrap my head around it for quite a bit. Eventually I got it and as always it feels great to solve a tough puzzle.

36. I don't like this level, like level 32 I got pretty angry playing this as well. Angry There were some really unfair balls patterns and most of the time I got cornered by "pink ball wall" near the end. Also, I kept messing up on the thin wall section which was sort of difficult. Difficult level in my opinion.

37. This level is really fun to play, a whole lot better than the last level.

38. This level is an okay level, it has that "learn from your mistakes" concept which is fine.

39. Simple chip collecting level, this level feels like rescuing penguins or polar bears from melting ice. Fun level too.

40. Yet another simple block pushing level, optimizing this would be a nightmare though.

41. This level has nice indicators on which traps or boots which are safe to take. I didn't get the clone button room though.

42. Confusing level. Trial and error is how I beat this.

43. Fun small level also good practice to get the gist of blocksliding.

44. Another fun puzzle.

45. Similar to Mirror (13) it has a nice concept.
My review for levels 46-60

After the couple frustrating levels in the last post, I got to say I enjoyed the levels more in the 40's and 50's decade. Slight smile Fun set so far.

46. I enjoy multiple puzzles in one set especially when you can do it in any order you want. Also, I like endings where the exit is totally surrounded by monsters and the the end they all die. It feels good at the end.

47. This was a fun level and nice concept. Now, I am not sure if the solution I did was the intentional or secret way based on the hint. I am assuming the pink ball on the trap at the very bottom is the intended solution judging by the look. However, I was able to just use the glider on top of the yellow lock. Still, a fun level though.

48. Security breach levels is my 3rd favorite CC concept. (Sokoban is my top favorite). The game-play was confusing at first but not too difficult once I got it.

49. Fun level and great aesthetics.

50. This has gotta be one of my favorites in the set. Normally sokobans are designed to take time to think about but the time crunch adds to the puzzle which makes it very interesting. Memorization and trial and error is key to this level.

51. This is an extremely annoying level. Angry It's is basically luck and maintaining a perfect streak to reach the exit. It would've been better if it was just the blob and not the walker, walker kept screwing me up hard. Or require a smaller amount of blocks to reach the exit. Again, a very annoying level that I don't like.

52. I enjoyed this level A LOT more than the last level. Again, it has that "mass monster self destruction ending" like Starstruck (49)

53. Unique concept for a maze.

54. It's an okay level, just a little tedious and kind of easy to screw up if you don't keep track of which blocks you've already pushed.

55. Nice level, even though there is a bit of back tracking.

56. Just a simple chip collecting level.

57. I like the "My Friend" concept, however I feel that it is more suited if the tooth monster was in a smaller room and if you can actually see the maze. I had to look at the map a little bit just to see where the tooth monster was. If it were to stay this way, it would be good if it was untimed.

58. Pretty difficult level that requires you to be on your toes. Normally I am not too good with pink ball patterns, it is just about trial and error.

59. Nice aesthetics and creative chip collecting level.

60. Another simple chip collecting level.
Off topic, but...

Quote:I decided to start this thread for my ZK4 review since Zane doesn't have an existing feedback thread for this set yet.

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Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

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I did not see that before I'll post my review for the last 15 levels on that thread. I'll just create a URL link for my existing reviews. Thanks

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