Catchphrases that haven't yet caught on
Heard this at another forum:

"Spruce up the moose"

I have no idea what it means, but it sounds friggin' awesome.
Quote:In Jr. High School, I would take a gummi bear, squeeze its ears into points so it looked like Yoda, and then I would say to it "Eat you, I will!". And of course then I would it eat.
"Well, tie me to an anthill and stuff my ears with jam!"

I heard this on a M*A*S*H episode and wished more people said it. Slight smile
Anything new rockdet says in his LPs. Tongue
[Image: tsjoJuC.png]
I'm still waiting for the rest of the world to start saying "confusing bananas." Smiley
"I've heard it both ways" from Psych. Smiley
Mike L

My level sets:
MikeL2 - 200 levels, updated 1/22/2017
MikeL2-fix - Lynx compatible version of MikeL2
MikeL3 - 86 levels, updated 1/22/2017 - a best-of set with levels from MikeL2, MikeL4 or my now-hidden rejects set
MikeL4 - 27 levels, updated 1/22/2017 - home of any new post-2009 levels I make
MikeLrejects - 351 levels, updated 5/16/2013 - all my older/experimental/not as good levels
I don't like "Confusing bananas" as much as "perhaps maybe question mark" for some reason. I think "PM?" has much more potential to someday become an Internet meme, as it is hilarious.

Also, one of my favorite Rockdet/BigOto2 catchphrases: "If you're doing _____, get to a doctor right away 'cause you have _____."

And when the home phones ring during a recording (NOT the cell phone, in which case I answer on-cam): STOP RINGING THE PHONES!!!!!
Did that originate from Rockdet in some form? I don't remember...
The doctor one did originate from Rock, but the phones one was a creation of my rage thanks to a rude ringing right as I got nailed by a tank or something in Think Tank. Hey, that alliterates quite well! However, I'm pretty sure I made both of them famous.

A future one from me definitely needs to be "If you are suffering Chinese Keyboard failures for more than 4 hours straight, get to a doctor right away 'cause you have swine flu.
LOL. I'm not sure what catchpharses I use. I tend to say ''Ironically enough" a lot but it's not that funny cuz it has absolutely no meaning. Looking back at my CCLP2 LP, I say "if this keeps up, I'm going to have to kill someone" a bit. Lol.

Sometime in the future I'll use these catchpharses....maybe even confusing bananas Tongue but for now I'm trying to invent my own...ironically enough.

I think my favorite Trevor catchpharse is "If your experiencing this, get to a doctor right away cuz your retina's detaching." Always makes me laugh LOL
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1
JCCLP1 / JCCLP2 / JCCLP3 / JoshL0 / Joshie (available only on Discord!)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
I always mean to use "sweet fancy Moses!" more than I actually do. is "confusing bananas" a LP-reference?
Quote:In Jr. High School, I would take a gummi bear, squeeze its ears into points so it looked like Yoda, and then I would say to it "Eat you, I will!". And of course then I would it eat.

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