[3:12:52] Josh: yo um
[3:13:14] Josh: did you get stuck on that one section of ancient catacombs
[3:13:19] Zane: um what section
[3:13:27] Zane: the huge room
[3:13:28] Zane: or whatever
[3:13:29] Josh: that center part with the bridges n' s***
[3:13:34] Zane: lol wat
[3:13:36] Josh: and all the lava
[3:13:38] Zane: i don't remember it
[3:13:43] Josh: um f***
[3:13:46] Zane: can u get a vidya ?
[3:13:56] Zane: of some gameplay or something
[3:14:09] Josh: good thing i LPed the game lolz
[3:14:12] Zane: inb4 you go to your LP lolz
[3:14:16] Zane: um
[3:14:18] Josh: yeah i am
[3:14:21] Zane: well did you get stuck during the lp
[3:14:26] Josh: no
[3:14:26] Zane: because then you can just reference that lolz
[3:14:29] Josh: when i first played
[3:16:25] Zane: oh
[3:16:26] Zane: phale
[3:16:30] Zane: well like
[3:16:33] Zane: i've played portal 2 like 30 times
[3:16:43] Zane: and i still sometimes get confused during the innovative science levels
[3:17:07] Josh:
[3:17:09] Josh: this section
[3:17:37] Zane: yeah
[3:17:39] Zane: f***
[3:17:41] Zane: that section was b****y
[3:17:45] Josh: yeah
[3:17:46] Josh: f***ing
[3:17:47] Zane: um i got stuck on the part with the battery
[3:17:50] Zane: and like three levels of catacombs
[3:17:57] Zane: and minecart railroads and s***
[3:18:01] Josh: i had to call f***ing namco to ask for help
[3:18:03] Zane:
[3:18:10] Zane:
[3:18:11] Zane:
[3:18:12] Zane:
[3:18:15] Josh: lolz
[3:18:19] Zane: um did you legit call namco
[3:18:27] Josh: yeah lolz
[3:18:29 | Edited 3:18:35] Zane:

[3:18:32] Josh: and they were like wat
[3:18:39] Josh: i was 14 calm down
[3:18:49] Josh: 14 and retarded as f***
[3:18:51] Zane: bruh
[3:18:55] Zane: i was like 9 and solved it : ^ )
[3:19:00] Josh: : ^ )
[3:19:04] Josh: [3:18] Josh:
<<< 14 and retarded as f***
[3:19:06] Josh: