Posts: 921
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Joined: Oct 2012
Favorite Pack: CCLP3
random 8
Is the background related to the storyline by any chance?
Posts: 2,344
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Joined: Jan 2012
Favorite Pack: CC2LP1
J.B. Lewis
You'll find out on April 4!
Posts: 1,052
Threads: 198
Joined: Jan 2012
Favorite Pack: CCLP3
Miika Toukola
So it will be released on Friday night at midnight UK time. Ok, just thinking out loud to myself. (Though actually it wasn't out loud but rather silently on paper. Or on screen. whatever.)
One month to go people! I'm excited!
Except I'll be on spring break, out of town, touring colleges when it comes out.
Posts: 153
Threads: 43
Joined: Jun 2013
Favorite Pack: CC1
Dang, I need to sharpen up my skills.
Sewiouswy, Pom-Pom, whewe is that CCLP4 I so want?
Which makes me think: I wonder if the set would be of any value to speedrunning, where one tries to complete the set all in one go as quickly as possible? (not exactly the same as optimization)