Quote:49: Tomb of the Forgotten - two extra yellow keys, both (along with their locks) in NW area

R8 is referring to the fact that if you blow up the bomb at (11,5), then the two yellow keys are useless. It has nothing to do with the color of the keys.
Quote:R8 is referring to the fact that if you blow up the bomb at (11,5), then the two yellow keys are useless. It has nothing to do with the color of the keys.
Again, wasn't explained enough. I'm not trying to be rude but seriously you guys really need to explain these problems right off the bat instead of expecting me to figure them out myself. Especially if I ask multiple times.

Also lookatthis, you practically made level 49 so you should have known about the yellow key situation beforehand, since you basically implied that you knew about it. But whatever I'll update the set whenever I can.
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Quote:Also lookatthis, you practically made level 49 so you should have known about the yellow key situation beforehand, since you basically implied that you knew about it. But whatever I'll update the set whenever I can.

I knew about it because Ryan stated that it was busted 5 posts above. Even though he didn't say how exactly it was busted, I looked in the editor and quickly found it. If you have an issue not being able to find a bust in your own levels whenever someone tells you that there is one, then there's a problem.
Quote:If you have an issue not being able to find a bust in your own levels whenever someone tells you that there is one, then there's a problem.
Again. It wasn't explained enough for me to fully understand what the problem was.
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why are the people that want josh to fix the set's problems not directly telling him the issues
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
Why is Zane typing like this is the Skype chat?

Why is Josh a better designer than me?

What is love?
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.
Quote:#51 - Tanks remove bombs at [6,7] and [8,7], blocks remove bombs at [7,9] and [14,16]. I don't even know how the third block was intended to be used.

The third block is for (13,11) so you can move the tank and get into the exit. That Lynx problem can't be fixed because of the way the tanks move. So in reality, nothing was really wrong with this level at all.

Quote:#55 - I think placing S-panels at [18,21-23] would fix the problem.

I could do that but that would make that section of the level ugly to me. Honestly from what I've read about it that problem doesn't really affect much, considering that can only happen in Lynx and furthermore, at the end of the level. Unless it involves an unfair cook/death, I probably won't fix that.
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Flareon1 / Flareon2

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Quote:Why is Zane typing like this is the Skype chat?

Why is Josh a better designer than me?

What is love?



ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
5: Bottom of the Mariana Trench - After holding the first trap open, you can bridge [19,8], [11,18-19], and [19,21] and bypass the other 5 traps.
29: Shattered Ice Temple - [18,9] doesn't need to be unlocked, and therefore [11,11] and [28,20] don't either.
48: Triple Mint Slurpee - I'm pretty sure this is unsolvable in Lynx, as i can't find a way to touch any of the Xs in the following picture:

[Image: gallery_112_3_9528.png]

59: Following the River in My Dreams - Is this solvable? I'm stuck after opening the first yellow lock.
65: Cold-Hearted Cave - [30,30] can be pressed manually when you still have the suction boots, making chips unnecessary.
70: Verisimilitude - On the first time through, picking up the green key and using the recessed wall at [3,9] instead of the thief allows a green button to be reached sooner than intended.
73: Notice Me Senpai - Not all of the things are needed. However, i don't know if that is intended or not, so explaining further may lead to spoilers.
74: Bounce Place - recessed walls at [2,15], [14,15], and [28,28] not needed

Quote:That Lynx problem can't be fixed because of the way the tanks move.

You can place a closed toggle wall under the tank in front of the exit.

Quote:I could do that but that would make that section of the level ugly to me. Honestly from what I've read about it that problem doesn't really affect much, considering that can only happen in Lynx and furthermore, at the end of the level.

Actually it kinda matters now because i just realized you can ignore the chips with this bust. Besides, there are other ways to fix it, like replacing the walkers with pink balls, or placing a S-panel at [19,22] and moving the two traps to where the force floors are (because you don't really need the force floors), or placing S-panels at [16,21-23] in addition to [18,21-23] to make it more symmetric.

Quote:why are the people that want josh to fix the set's problems not directly telling him the issues

I am being direct, but i don't always know what exactly needs to be explained, as i don't always know the intended solution. And frankly--because i can't think of a better way to say this--i'm tired of having to explain every detail. I don't feel like you're putting any effort into figuring these things out yourself. Besides, finding them yourself may lead you to discovering other problems, just as searching for the levels' solutions for myself lead to me finding the problems i've listed so far.
CCMiniLP, my CCLP1 submissions. Outdated, not recommended.
CCSignificantlyLargerLP, my CCLP4 submissions. More current than my main set.
Consistent Inconsistency (ongoing), my main CC1 custom set. (discussion)
RyanJ1.dat (ongoing), my main CC2 custom set. (discussion)
Mystery Project (unfinished) (previews)

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Quote:And frankly--because i can't think of a better way to say this--i'm tired of having to explain every detail.

If you're tired then don't even bother reporting any problems then. That really doesn't make any sense that you'll go out of your way to find all these busts and problems (most of which you've reported go beyond the intended solution) with some levels, but won't properly explain said problems.

Quote:I don't feel like you're putting any effort into figuring these things out yourself.

I'll say it again for the third time now. A good 75% of the problems that have been reported weren't explained enough for me to fix. Even so, a proper fix wasn't even suggested for none of the problems you reported. If you at least did that, we wouldn't be having this situation. So I suggest before you or anyone else reports any further problems to me, please suggest a fix if you know of one.
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