The Wannabe Longest Thread
It took a long time over here to feel like springtime.

Come on! we've left this post for about three days.

Quote:While we're waiting for JB to give us details, I might as well go into a bit of wankery about something that's been on my mind for the past few hours.

Last night I had a dream that I was in a restaurant without enough chairs. The hostess led me to a table with no chairs. I looked around the restaurant, and when an old lady stood up to use the bathroom, I stole her chair. Stupid restaurant. They also didn't bring us silverware. I had to go behind the hostess' podium and swipe a few things of silverware.

I then found myself walking around a polluted beachfront. The sky was thick with low-flying gulls, there was trash everywhere, and it smelled of raw sewage.

I have strange dreams when I don't get enough sleep.

I have just woken up from a 2 hour nap and I just had the wierdest dream of the year!

At the first part, I was walking through a train station, it was like a train station but instead of trains, there were those cable cars found in amusement parks to go from one side of the park to another, but it wasn't even a cablecar, they were individual bus-type seats with no seatbelts or lapbar and they never stop. So in that train station, I was with my sister's boyfriend, and we were walking up the stairs, and somebody spilt gumballs all over the stairs, and these old ladies slipped on the gumballs. At first, I found it funny, but since one of the old ladies was a neighboor of mine, I felt bad and helped them so that they wouldn't slip.

All of the sudden I was with my family and they told me I had a mission, my mission was to go to that station, where the "cable chairs" go from southern Spain to north Africa, and go to Africa, just to steal mangos (the fruit), and bring it to them. So I did just that. I got on a chair, without a ticket needed, the trip lasted about half an hour but seemed like two hours, and there was nobody else but me riding. I also don't remember seeing any water, meaning that my dream probably made Spain and Africa two connected countries. There was one part where the chair started to speed up so fast that I got that roller coaster feeling. When I got there, I saw a rich house with a big back yard and a mango tree in it, so I just jumped out of my chair, because there were no stops, got to that backyard, and got the mangos, the owner wasn't around so it was a piece of cake. I then got on that owner's lawnmower that was parked near, and stole it to drive back to the chairs, then took another trip back to my home. My family was happy to see that I completed my mission but they have sent me a second time, the second time was even more interesting, but this is getting too long, so I'll just leave it here.
First chipster ever reported to fill ON THE ROCKS with blocks.

HASHLEVELS.dat (49 CC1 levels)
Wish my dreams were that interesting.

Occasionally I get sort of waking dreams in my head (see Creative Writing thread for an example).
"Bad news, bad news came to me where I sleep / Turn turn turn again" - Bob Dylan
For some reason everyone said it was COLD out today --- I NEVER get cold outside when I'm awake.. eh.
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
It's COLD and RAINY -- but I don't mind -- I hate HOT.
"Bad news, bad news came to me where I sleep / Turn turn turn again" - Bob Dylan
It feels like March here, it's only like 60-70.

I only like HOT when I've been in ANTARCTICA for three DAYS and I'm COLD as the opposite of HELL and I don't know where this is GOING and why am I capitalizing the most POINTLESS words to capitalize besides the first THREE and I'm still DOING this and I'm apparently not DONE yet and what the HECK is going ON with these capitalized WORDS and I better STOP now or I'll catch a TYPING disease and I won't be able to POST anymore cause I won't be able to TYPE anymore and OK I need to STOP.

ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
You've been corrupted with a typing disease! Slight smile
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1 / JoshL8(?)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
The level up thread is longer than this one.

"Bad news, bad news came to me where I sleep / Turn turn turn again" - Bob Dylan
Then, more topic discussion!

-How much do you hate cockroaches?

-Do you read books or magazines often?

-Do you believe that the appendix is there for something other than take up (little) space?
First chipster ever reported to fill ON THE ROCKS with blocks.

HASHLEVELS.dat (49 CC1 levels)
I read every night. Currently reading a book by Stephen R. Donaldson because I just finished the latest Scientific American.

Never had to deal with cockroached, but they suck.

Appendix in a book or appendix in my gut? Either way it serves a purpose.
"Bad news, bad news came to me where I sleep / Turn turn turn again" - Bob Dylan
Name 1 purpose for the appendix.

For the record, I still have mine Slight smile
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1 / JoshL8(?)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon

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