Top 10 favourite video games of all-time
Okay, I realized I never posted here, so I'll do that now. Why not, CC can go on this list too! Yeah, most of these are 21st century games, therefore this list sucks.

Note -- the console listed is the one I always played it on, some games are exclusives while others are multi-platform)

1. Halo 2 (2004, Xbox, first person shooter)
2. Mojo! (2003, PS2, platformer)

3. Chip's Challenge (1989, 1992, Atari Lynx/Microsoft Windows, puzzle and logic)

4. Pac-Man World 2 (2002, PS2, platformer)

5. Grand Theft Auto III: San Andreas (2004, PS2, sandbox)

6. BioShock Infinite (2013, Xbox 360, first person shooter)

7. Adventure (1979, Atari 2600, action-adventure)

8. Fallout 3 (2008, Xbox 360, RPG)

9. Portal (2006, PC, first person puzzle and logic)

10. Half-Life (1998, PC, first person shooter)

11. Terraria (2011, PC, sandbox)

lol top 11 list Thumbs up
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
This required some thought, and there are many games I was upset to leave out, but here goes:

1. Dark Chronicle (RPG, PS2, 2003)

2. Earth 2150 (RTS, PC, 2000)

3. Pokemon Gold (RPG, GBC, 2001 (EU))

4. Command and Conquer: Renegade (FPS, PC, 2002)

5. TimeSplitters 2 (FPS, PS2, 2002)

6. Jak II: Renegade (Platformer, PS2, 2003)

7. RockBand 2 (Rhythm, PS3, 2008)

8. Ratchet and Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal (Platformer, PS2, 2004)

9. Sonic 3 and Knuckles (Platformer, Sega Genesis, 1994)

10. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (RPG, PS3, 2013)

Honourable mentions must go to Fallout 3, Gran Turismo 3, Dark Cloud, C&C3: Tiberium Wars, and of course Chips' Challenge (:
CC1: 5,954,550 (completed)
--- CCLP1: 5,989,110 (completed)
--- CCLP2: 5,936,410 (148 levels completed)
--- CCLP3: 1,223,887 (a few levels completed)

My levelset JRB_CCLP1.ccl
Quote:20) Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing (PC)

I can't be the only one who notices this.

Please tell me you are joking Tom!
1. Battle for Wesnoth

2. Freeciv

3. Plants vs. Zombies

4. Minecraft

5. Zuma Revenge

6. Feeding Frenzy 2

7. SuperTuxKart

8. SuperTux

9. Tile World

10. Crossword
My CC Newsgroup Account: daud2001

My Wikia Account: Daud2001
in no particular order

1. Super Mario 64 (Nin64)
2. Half Life 2 (PC)
3. Final Fantasy 1 (Nintendo)
4. Legend of Zelda; Link's Awakening (gameboy)
5. Portal (PC)
6. Antichamber (PC)
7. Mario Kart 64 (nin64)
8. Super Smash Brothers (nin 64)
9. Lemmings Revolution (PC)
10. Riven (PC)

yeah chips challenge isn't on there ConfusedThief

honorable mentions or recent likes:

RHEM, Marble Drop, Ocarina of Time, Pokemon red/blue, chip's challenge (tileworld), Lemmings, Lemmings Paintball, The Journeyman Project; Buried in Time, Gary's Mod, Dave Mira (a biking game--don't remember the exact title; it was fun to wipe out and slam into things and hear the crushing of bones when I was a kid), The Longest Journey, Portal 2, Research and Development (a Half-Life 2 mod)

I'm apparently not alone in not listing Chips challenge. And I like how some people listed games like Minesweeper. Thumbs up yay for unconventional stuff
my CC2 sets: Mobi's Challenge (166 levels)
Walls of CCLP2 (V2) presently: ~50 levels

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakwin Rinzai

"Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man"
-'The Dude' Lebowski
I don't really play that many games. Does Sandcastle Builder count?
They call me Earthling, for I come from Earth.

Earthling1.dat, my levelset.
1. N+ (Xbox)

2. Nreality/Nv2.0 (PC)

3. Garry's Mod (PC)

4. The Orange Box (Xbox)

5. Half Life (PC)

6. MW3 (Xbox) - only because its fun to see 9 year olds rage.

7. Portal 2 (PC and Xbox)

8. Battlefield 4 (Xbox)

9. Chip's Challenge (PC)

10. Riven (PC)
Quote:I'm bumping this thread for one reason.

Mario and Luigi: Dream Team has gotta be the best of the whole Mario and Luigi series of all time. I've been playing the game for at least 5 days straight and I'm not even halfway through it!

I'm jumping in 6 months later just to agree with this post. It's definitely the best game in the series, and my only issue would be the sudden difficulty spikes with the "Giant" battles (which, of course, were designed by a totally separate development team).

Also, thanks for the recommendations everyone, to all those games I haven't played yet.

Although I haven't played a wide enough variety of games to place a list of Top 10, I know for a fact that Kerbal Space Program is my current #1, as it has been for all of 2013.
New top favorite game of all time for me:

1. Pokemon X / Y

Thumbs up
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1
JCCLP1 / JCCLP2 / JCCLP3 / JoshL0 / Joshie (available only on Discord!)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
Time for a 2015 update!

  1. Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Mega Drive)
  2. Duke Nukem 3D (PC)
  3. Goldeneye 007 (Nintendo 64)
  4. Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64)
  5. Sonic the Hedgehog (Mega Drive)
  6. Half-Life (PC)
  7. Metal Gear Solid (Playstation)
  8. Resident Evil: Code Veronica (Dreamcast)
  9. Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (PC)
  10. Metroid Prime (Gamecube)

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