20-Sep-2012, 9:35 AM
No I'm just kidding. I think people like "Ring of Fire" and "Launch" from my submissions though.
I really like Shuttle Run from Chip56, Chip Suey as well.
Other sets:
Runaway Train (I remember that day I watched the AVI of it on Tom's channel back in '07.. good times)
Green Clear
Frozen Labyrinth
I can't think of that many levels right now, I'll update this list later
No I'm just kidding. I think people like "Ring of Fire" and "Launch" from my submissions though.

I really like Shuttle Run from Chip56, Chip Suey as well.
Other sets:
Runaway Train (I remember that day I watched the AVI of it on Tom's channel back in '07.. good times)
Green Clear
Frozen Labyrinth
I can't think of that many levels right now, I'll update this list later