Ten Levels You Would Like to See in CCLP1

No I'm just kidding. I think people like "Ring of Fire" and "Launch" from my submissions though. Slight smile

I really like Shuttle Run from Chip56, Chip Suey as well.

Other sets:

Runaway Train (I remember that day I watched the AVI of it on Tom's channel back in '07.. good times)

Green Clear

Frozen Labyrinth

I can't think of that many levels right now, I'll update this list later Slight smile
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Bronze / Silver / Gold
Quote:I have to agree with wanting to see Frozen Labyrinth and Duplex in CCLP1. They are both amazing levels.

Besides those two...

Monster Slider 2

Bloblake in the 147 slot

On The Run

Runaway Train

And that's all I can think of right now.

WOW! You want to see Bloblake in CCLP1 too?
I really don't understand why you two want to see Bloblake in CCLP1....
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1
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Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
Even though it's evil and dirty it's fun.
Quote:You tested your own land mine. It worked!
Quote:I really don't understand why you two want to see Bloblake in CCLP1....

Yeah I'm not sure either. Even though it has luck in it, after you (finally) make it past the ice slide at the beginning, it's not 100 percent luck anymore, since you can actually control Chip in a desired direction. But still, if it were to appear in a custom set, I'd say CCLP4.

Also, Ice River Run is another one I prefer Thumbs up
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
Quote:Also, Ice River Run is another one I prefer Thumbs up

Of course! It's a great level! Thumbs up
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1
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JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
Quote:Of course! It's a great level! Thumbs up

Thumbs up

Speaking of Pacman World 2, Volcanic Panic I used for a ZK1 title if you haven't noticed Tongue (it was the 2nd to last level I made before release, too! Smiley )
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
Quote:Yeah I'm not sure either. Even though it has luck in it, after you (finally) make it past the ice slide at the beginning, it's not 100 percent luck anymore, since you can actually control Chip in a desired direction. But still, if it were to appear in a custom set, I'd say CCLP4.

Also, Ice River Run is another one I prefer Thumbs up

The reason is so it can be level 147
Quote:Level 148 is always the wtf level

why not 148?
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

Bronze / Silver / Gold
Quote:why not 148?

Because level 147 is always ridiculously hard. 148 is more like the level that looks intimidating, but is actually easy or standard difficulty

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