Poll: Which of these designers has the highest average taken over the level numbers of the levels they designed in CCLP3? Basically, on average how far are their levels in the set?
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JB Lewis
1 7.14%
2 14.29%
11 78.57%
Total 14 vote(s) 100%
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Who made the toughest levels in CCLP3
How is this average stuff calculated anyway?
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / TradingPlaces / WoCC1
JCCLP1 / JCCLP2 / JCCLP3 / JoshL0 / Joshie (available only on Discord!)
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: 1,463 (with no repeats)

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 85+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
Quote:Let's settle this:

Ida: 14, 15, 19, 44, 67, 80, 89, 116, 124, 132. Average: 70

Me: 1, 27, 49. 69, 104, 112, 129. Average: 70.14

Tom R: 51, 61, 65, 68, 73, 111. Average: 71.5

Just out of curiosity. Who made the easiest on average overall then?
[Image: tsjoJuC.png]
...yeah, I'm not convinced that that's the best way to judge it. I mean, whoever designed Diabolical (or Marooned) is gonna have a higher average than they really "deserve."
Quote:In Jr. High School, I would take a gummi bear, squeeze its ears into points so it looked like Yoda, and then I would say to it "Eat you, I will!". And of course then I would it eat.
Oddly enough, it IS the same designer - Joshua Bone.
Quote:Just out of curiosity. Who made the easiest on average overall then?

Firefly, whose only level is level 2 Tongue
You should probably be playing CC2LP1.

Or go to the Chip's Challenge Wiki.
I haven't played enough of CCLP3 to really gauge the difficulty of the levels, especially the ones everyone is touting as difficult and which I haven't touched. I'm not surprised that I haven't come up at all in this discussion, though. Of my two levels, one (level 45, Block Head) is essentially a series of not-very-diabolical block-pushing puzzles, where the only part that might possibly constitute a beginner's trap is the blocks on (2,16) through (4,16), as the player cannot window-shop to determine which block to push first. In retrospect, had I realized this, I probably would have changed this in some way. (A simple solution is ice corners at (1,13) and (2,13).) Then again, this occurs early enough in the level and can only cause one restart at the most, so it's not too bad. The other level (level 98, Mouth-Watering) is a bit more difficult with its false paths and red herrings, but the false paths early on hit dead ends quickly, and ChipWiki goes into detail about the logic a Chip's Challenge veteran can use to narrow down which exit is the correct one based on the fact that the level was accepted into CCLP3 in the first place.

(I think it shows a lot about how bad I am at video games when I'm given the "skip level?" dialog box on level 99, Freezer. x.x)

Edit: Oh, and level 100 (Sardines). I'll never forgive myself for this line of thought. . .

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Yeah, when I fail that badly at level 100 in a level set, I'm no longer qualified to talk about difficulty. Tongue
Quote:...well, despite Spirals and On The Rocks, we all became CC fans...right? Wink

What's wrong with Spirals, besides the Spirals corruption? I found that level not hard at all!

On The Rocks, though.. that got annoying if you died just before reaching the exit. Smiley

Anyway, I've been so busy with trying to complete the last few levels of CC1 that I have to agree with mathgrant on this one. I'll probably be on David's levels a lot [besides Road Block Unamused ]
ZK1 / ZK2 / ZK3 / ZK3: Abandoned / ZK4 / ZK5

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I didn't find ON THE ROCKS hard. I liked it, in fact. But eff you, SPIRALS. I have no idea whether I had the corrupt version or not, because by the time I learned there were two versions of the level, I just gave up on it.
Mouth-watering is a great level! I will admit I had to look at the map to find the exit. The start is ingenious, and the false paths are sufficiently frustrating.

I gave up on SPIRALS for years. In fact, until I had an editor and could "corrupt" (or "uncorrupt") it, I could not complete it in MS. In Lynx, which was what it was designed for, it's not that hard at all -- shouldn't take you more than a few tries.
"Bad news, bad news came to me where I sleep / Turn turn turn again" - Bob Dylan
Quote:Mouth-watering is a great level! I will admit I had to look at the map to find the exit. The start is ingenious, and the false paths are sufficiently frustrating.

I gave up on SPIRALS for years. In fact, until I had an editor and could "corrupt" (or "uncorrupt") it, I could not complete it in MS. In Lynx, which was what it was designed for, it's not that hard at all -- shouldn't take you more than a few tries.

Yeah, I never even had the corrupted version, I never even knew there was one until recently. I beat it after a few tries when I was 5 -- I was slow back then and got walker'd. Tongue

I attempted Mouth-Watering on Will's World [CC app for app store] once. Gave up on that XD
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