IHNN's levels feedback/discussion (New inside: TradingPlaces, a collab with Josh!)
Had fun with the set, thanks for uploading!

Linear, pretty easy to figure out, lots of variety. Easy to not find the green teleport room with the 4 chips & + clock and get to the exit with 4 chips left, but pretty sure you could retrace your steps. Got the 1k bonus S of blue teleport and the 100 bonus in the teeth room. Ghost puzzle at end is good but it’s a little annoying having to hold right against the toggle wall but then release before entering the flamethrower, it would be easy to get the puzzle right but still either die in the flames or not make it through the door out of timidity. I recommend a thin wall on the west side of the flamethrower. Time limit is fine.

(is the spelling intentional?)
Nice little level. The split second timing for a block slide takes a bit to get used to, but the short level makes it fine, better than that CCLP2 level.

Water under block at top left is a little bit mean. Bowling ball puzzle is fun but it’s tough to time the release w/ green button so that it leaves the flippers behind and not some other useless item. It is also frustrating to have only one shot at sidestepping onto the grey button at lower left. I missed it four times in a row and had to redo all my work.

Overall a relatively difficult level that relies on split second timing in a couple places but is short enough to be a lot of fun.

This was fun. Getting the teeth to stay where you want them is definitely more difficult than in CC1. The bonus situation is pretty clever.

Good sokoban of medium difficulty.

It's okay Slight smile Love/hate the speed boots!

I like this concept. Pretty bonus-heavy. It felt pretty loose though? I guess the max bonus route would be a lot tighter.

Please rename this level! I tried playing it like frogger and it just doesn’t work. I was actually feeling frustrated until I switched strategies and worked more with the pattern. Good level, but the name is a bad fit imo.

Mixed feelings about this level. The opening block puzzle is fun.

The middle bomb puzzle is also fun but it feels very confusing. The mechanism where the ghost blows up the clone machine is clever, but it comes out of nowhere and didn’t really make sense to me. I gather it has to do with the bonus flags? I felt like I got through that area without fully understanding the designer’s intent.

The late sokoban puzzle is an excellent puzzle, but the stakes are pretty high due to all the work you spend getting there. I got it the first try but it would have sucked to screw it up and have to restart everything.

Ending is fun Slight smile

Fun puzzle. I think I busted the ending because I never used the bowling ball, I just blew up the block and the no dynamite sign with one blast, and then brought the dynamite from the water room down to blast to the exit.

Fun level. I made it way harder than it was. The teleport that pushes the ice block back on you is pretty mean, but the rest is fair. You could make a wonderful bonus area that is only accessible by partial-posting the teleport in the glider/iceblock room if you wanted to.

Awesome Slight smile

Awesome Slight smile

Haven’t beat it yet but I'm close. Really nice puzzle.

Beat it, but I didn’t feel like I figured anything out in the process. Not very satisfying since I didn't really understand what I'd done with the teleports.

Got it first try, not a bad puzzle.

Name = ewww. Pretty easy though. Might be confusing if you don't know how dropping items on FFs works.

Very fun item-swapper. Is it intentional that the pipeline is broken in some places (i.e. west of the RFF)? It is possible to save the force boots all the way to the end but it doesn't really bust anything.

No, I’m not going to play this Wink

Guess I’ll call this type of puzzle a boot-dropper? Not bad.

Did not beat, too difficult for my tastes. I was getting frustrated (>20 attempts) by the time I figured out how to get past the centipede area. I spent almost as much time trying to get the FF time bonuses as they were worth. The next puzzle room looks awesome but I had no patience for it due to the difficulty in getting there and not enough time to figure it out. My recommendation is to split the level into two levels right at the end of the centipede room.

Yeah it’s okay

I really enjoyed all of this level except for the part where I had to ride RFFs to the chip socket. It’s way too easy to get stuck there, and not very clear how not to. Bonus concept (10pt flags everywhere but lots of x2s) is interesting. Recommend an alternate way around the RFFs, getting stuck there brings down an otherwise really great puzzle level.


Too difficult for my tastes. After >50 tries I have succeeded once in shutting down 2 out of 3 cloners, and maybe 5x in shutting down a single cloner. Interesting idea, and I understand what I need to do, it's just a little too action heavy for me.

Really easy… did I miss something? Just pushed four blocks to block the tanks, dropped the bomb two spaces from the wall, and done. Not bad, just felt like a surprise break after the last two.
My CC1 custom levelset, JoshuaBoneLP.dat
My 'Walls of CC1' custom levelset for CC2, JBoneWOCC.zip, containing levels based on the first 28 levels of CC1.
My CC2 misfit levels, JBoneMisfits.zip, containing 4 levels that didn't fit anywhere else.
Designer totals:
15 levels in CCLP3
52 levels in CC2
Public Apology: I'm very, very sorry about HAUNTED CASTLE, ANTARCTICA, and the endings on VENICE and THINKTANK.
I have a question regarding level 3, Linear Interpolation. Was the intended solution to exit via

[Click to Show Content]
? Or did I bust it? Tongue

CC1, CC2, CCLP1, CCLP2, JBLP1, Pit of 100 Tiles: Complete!
CCLP3: (exact progress lost to the sands of time, will have to try again at some point)

CCLP4: 30/149
The Other 100 Tiles: 75/100
Jacques.dat: 109/986
Here is some feedback on UC5:

1: VERY short but fun.

2: Ordinary.

3: Ordinary.

4: The concept is very interesting, but hard on the eyes.

5: This is a nice adaptation of the Time Trial level.

6: Not very good, nothing interesting, sorry.

7: The pointless pink balls look good.

8: My favourite part is the level is the sockets.

9: I think it is fun.

10: All the locks turned into bombs makes this level very different and still fun.

11: This level feels like it was designed for a Time Trial. For casual play, it is rather ordinary.

12: The level isfun, the hint is hilarious and the title is ordinary.

13: Quite frankly, I prefer this level to the CCLP2 level it is based on.

14: A fun level. I like the fact that the first part of the hint is pointless as the button is no longer held down by the time the player reads it.

15: Ordinary.

16: Ordinary.

17: The use of the keys makes this level very good.

18: I didn't find any differences between this level and the Time Trial version.

19: This level is fun and looks great.

20: Ordinary.

21: A great itemswapper.

22: Good block pushing level.

23: I generally don't like monster redirecting levels, but the use of multiple clone machines, the teleports and the blocks make this one very good.

24: Ordinary.

25: My least favourite level so far in this set. Far too easy.

26: Very fun l.evel.

27: I really like it. And the teeth look great.

28: Awesome title and very good level.

29: This is a good use of force floors.

30: Really good itemswapper, the unusual ways oa accessing certain items (tank button, blue key) are particularely nice.

31: Overall, it was good. The fact that the order in which the locks must be visited is not rigid is good. However, the paramecia feel out of place, as all the other monsters follow the outside of the room.

32: Nice title and great blue level.

33: Best level so far in the set.

34: Worst level so far in the set. The last part is very rigid and annoying, and in Lynx, this is a major eye strain. Sorry.

35: Really great level.

36: Rather easy.

37: Much better than the previous on.

38: Ordinary.

39: I like it.

40: I have been unable to solve this level because each time I reached the top of the shaft, there was a paramecium stuck in the teleport.

Do you have any plans to add more levels to this set?
CC is awesome!

CC2 sets (still being updated): C1059-CC2 --- Walls of CC2

CC1 sets (all complete): C1059-2 --- C1059-1 --- 1059PG01 --- C1059-Christmas --- C1059-INSANITY --- C1059-CCLP4

My Youtube channel --- Fiver's Honeycomb --- Fanfiction.net

Good posts don't cost too much, yet many go unwritten.
Sorry for double posting, but here is more feedback:

41: Very fun.

42: Unusual but fun.

43: THIS LEVEL IS UNSOLVABLE due to missing button connections.

44: This level is busted: if is possible to use the blocks to access the blue room without going through the green room.

45: Ordinary.

46: Not solved yet.

47: Very fun.

48: Ordinary.

49: Really great level.

50: Not very good, it looks like this level was made without any real idea of the final goal.

51: Fun.

52: Not solved yet.

53: I would like to see this in CCLP4.

54: The various rooms are very creative.

55: I find it tedious. Sorry.

56: My favourite part is the sokoban.

57: Good dodging level.

58: The level is all right. The title is probably a reference to the CCLP2 level, but doesn't really match the level, I think.

59: I would like to see this in CCLP4.

60: Not solved yet.

61: Really fun level.

62: Another fun level.

63: This level feels like it is unfinished. Also I had to wait forever for a passage to clear itself between the monsters.

64: I haven't solved it yet, but I like what I played so far.

65: An unusual level. I find it ordinary.

66: Good blob level, but not as good as those in UC3 and UC4.

67: I am either missing the obvious or this level is unsolvable: I am unable to make it past the water and glider room.

68: I would like to see this in CCLP4.

69: Another good CCLP4 candidate.

70: Ordinary.

71: Really great level.

72: Ordinary.

73: This took me forever to solve. I hate walkers.

74: Surprisingly hard.

75: Ordinary.

76: Nice title. Good level, although the force floor and block part was annoying.

77: Interesting concept.

78: Ordinary.

79: Another good CCLP4 candidate.

80: Not solved yet.

Overall, this is a fun set.
CC is awesome!

CC2 sets (still being updated): C1059-CC2 --- Walls of CC2

CC1 sets (all complete): C1059-2 --- C1059-1 --- 1059PG01 --- C1059-Christmas --- C1059-INSANITY --- C1059-CCLP4

My Youtube channel --- Fiver's Honeycomb --- Fanfiction.net

Good posts don't cost too much, yet many go unwritten.
Fixed levels 40 and 43, as well as some other smaller changes I don't remember.

44 is intentional as another way to solve the level.

67 is solvable-though it wouldn't be if the room stood on its own, instead of in the middle of the ice.

I definitely took a lot of inspiration from Rock when putting some of these levels together-just taking an idea and going with it. Personally I still find UC4 more fun, but I'm glad you enjoyed it! Slight smile
My CC1 levelsets: (25, 150, 149, 149, 149, 149, 60, 149, 43, +2 = 1025 total)
25 levels.dat | Ultimate Chip.dat | Ultimate Chip 2.ccl | Ultimate Chip 3.dac | Ultimate Chip 4.zip | Ultimate Chip 5 | Ultimate Chip 6 Walls of CCLP4 i^e
IHNN-Ultimate: 147 of my best levels (through UC5), plus 2 entirely new ones. May be overhauled soon.

My CC2 levelsets: (100, ???)

My CC score tracker. Has lots of cool automated features!
Twitch | Youtube | Twitter
This is off-topic but Chipster, I strongly recommend you check out some of the CC2 sets available, since they are becoming more popular in a sense. Slight smile
JoshL1 / JoshL2 / JoshL3 / JoshL4 / JoshL5 / JoshL6 / JoshL7 / WoCCLP3 / ???
JoshL / JCCLPRejects

Total: Too many but presumably over 1400

Flareon1 / Flareon2

Total: 75+

Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon Flareon
This is an excellent pack all around. The levels have been mostly on the small size which is my preference. And the bonuses are nice too.

Trial by Fire: excellent hodge-podge level

Friendly Loop: very clever idea!

Linear Interpolation: tough for a small level; took me a little while to figure out. Very intricate

Infernal sokobon: very tough but nice

slime river: the bonus is hard; I haven't gotten it yet.

war zone: nice one

Blasting Caps: the hint is mean; I used to put things like this in my levels until I realized it doesn't really add anything but annoy the player. Besides that: a solid great level.
However; when I finished I had 2 yellow keys leftover so I tried to go back and open the doors at the hint but wasn't able to [but I didn't try very hard..]

VARIOUS hues of blue: great level overall.

This is as far as I played for now; a great pack so far! and very little to complain about. The appearnce of the levels is usually nice too.
my CC2 sets: Mobi's Challenge (166 levels)
Walls of CCLP2 (V2) presently: ~50 levels

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakwin Rinzai

"Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man"
-'The Dude' Lebowski
I'm still designing!

With CCLP4 on the horizon, I've had some further level ideas and will be merging the new designs into UC5, hopefully eventually bringing it up to 149 levels, but this is a lofty goal. I'll be releasing what I have attached to the end of UC5 once February rolls around, and UC5 2.0 will be done (with level reordering) once I run out of level ideas/hit 149.

In the meantime, here's one of my most recent designs: [Image: 9oejexA.png]
My CC1 levelsets: (25, 150, 149, 149, 149, 149, 60, 149, 43, +2 = 1025 total)
25 levels.dat | Ultimate Chip.dat | Ultimate Chip 2.ccl | Ultimate Chip 3.dac | Ultimate Chip 4.zip | Ultimate Chip 5 | Ultimate Chip 6 Walls of CCLP4 i^e
IHNN-Ultimate: 147 of my best levels (through UC5), plus 2 entirely new ones. May be overhauled soon.

My CC2 levelsets: (100, ???)

My CC score tracker. Has lots of cool automated features!
Twitch | Youtube | Twitter
Quote:I've had some further level ideas and will be merging the new designs into UC5, hopefully eventually bringing it up to 149 levels
[Image: eEd1J8T.png]

Five levels left to design, then I'll be merging into and re-ordering UC5, with a few other assorted changes to levels. The above level will be level 137, just because of the title. It took a little bit to work out how to require the player to alternate sides, but the teeth and toggles do the job nicely.
My CC1 levelsets: (25, 150, 149, 149, 149, 149, 60, 149, 43, +2 = 1025 total)
25 levels.dat | Ultimate Chip.dat | Ultimate Chip 2.ccl | Ultimate Chip 3.dac | Ultimate Chip 4.zip | Ultimate Chip 5 | Ultimate Chip 6 Walls of CCLP4 i^e
IHNN-Ultimate: 147 of my best levels (through UC5), plus 2 entirely new ones. May be overhauled soon.

My CC2 levelsets: (100, ???)

My CC score tracker. Has lots of cool automated features!
Twitch | Youtube | Twitter
An item fetcher! I like it Slight smile(I have at least one of those in the works...)

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